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UNNAMED BOY - 6 yo (8/2014) - / Accused: Father; Montrell Brundidge - Deltona FL

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UNNAMED BOY - 6 yo (8/2014) - / Accused: Father; Montrell Brundidge - Deltona FL Empty UNNAMED BOY - 6 yo (8/2014) - / Accused: Father; Montrell Brundidge - Deltona FL

Post by mom_in_il Fri Aug 22, 2014 2:21 pm

Deputies: Man lashed 6-year-old boy with weed-whacker

Last Updated: Wednesday, August 20, 2014, 2:05 PM

UNNAMED BOY - 6 yo (8/2014) - / Accused: Father; Montrell Brundidge - Deltona FL 1408557916610
Montrell Brundidge, 25, of Deltona, was arrested Monday for abusing a 6-year-old boy with a weed-whacker, according to a Volusia County Sheriff's Office report.
(PHOTO/Volusia County Corrections)

DELTONA -- A Volusia County man was arrested Monday after he allegedly punished a 6-year-old boy with a weed-whacker, deputies said.

Montrell Brundidge, 25, of Deltona, was arrested Monday for aggravated child abuse.

Deputies were called to the home Monday, where the boy told them he suffered injuries to his left leg and ankle area from a weed-whacker, according to a report.

Deputies then visited Brundidge at his home. It was determined he abused the 6-year-old boy for not listening, the report states.

Brundidge told deputies he "understood that he made a bad decision to use a weed-whacker for discipline," the report states.

Brundidge was taken to the Volusia County Branch Jail.

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