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GIRL SHERMAN - 15 yo (9/14) - /Charged: Parents, Douglas Lyle and Kim Eng Sherman - Bloom Township, OH

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GIRL SHERMAN - 15 yo (9/14) - /Charged: Parents, Douglas Lyle and Kim Eng Sherman - Bloom Township, OH Empty GIRL SHERMAN - 15 yo (9/14) - /Charged: Parents, Douglas Lyle and Kim Eng Sherman - Bloom Township, OH

Post by twinkletoes Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:10 am

Ohio couple Douglas Sherman, Kim Sherman charged after teenager forced to live in shed

By Lena Sullivan 14 hours 35 minutes ago

GIRL SHERMAN - 15 yo (9/14) - /Charged: Parents, Douglas Lyle and Kim Eng Sherman - Bloom Township, OH 447106_7af639fa_3d64_11e4_bf5a_0352721e6660_536203037 
Put teen in shed ... Douglas Lyle Sherman charged after daughter, 15, "spent nights in the outbuilding with no lights, running water or bathroom facility". Picture: Fairfield County Sheriff's Department Source: Supplied 

A TEENAGE girl was made to live and sleep in “horrific” conditions in a shed as punishment by her parents, police allege.

Douglas Lyle Sherman, 64, and Kim Eng Sherman, 60, of Bloom Township of Fairfield County, Ohio, allegedly refused to allow their daughter, 15, into their house “for food or necessary living adequacies.”

Fairfield County Sheriff’s Department were alerted about the teenager’s plight after she pushed a note under a neighbour’s door asking for help, The Columbus Dispatch reported.

“The child was prevented access to the home unless asking for permission, and spent nights in the outbuilding with no lights, running water or bathroom facility. A bed was made of two cinder blocks with a sheet of plywood on top,” Fairfield County Sheriff’s deputies said in a report obtained by The Columbus Dispatch.
GIRL SHERMAN - 15 yo (9/14) - /Charged: Parents, Douglas Lyle and Kim Eng Sherman - Bloom Township, OH 447134_7d0c4914_3d64_11e4_bf5a_0352721e6660_679149179
"Only sometime punishment" ... Kim Eng Sherman, 60, has pleaded not guilty to child endangerment after forcing her teenage daughter to live in a shed. Picture: Fairfield County Sheriff's Office Source: Supplied

The teenage girl’s mother allegedly referred to her daughter’s placement as “only sometimes discipline” and felt she would be fine as it was summer.

Her father has pleaded not guilty to third-degree felonies of child endangerment and intimidation and misdemeanor charges of telephone harassment and menacing.

His wife pleaded not guilty to child endangerment.

The girl and her brother were both removed from their parents’ custody and into the custody of Child Protective Services.


Last edited by twinkletoes on Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:14 am; edited 1 time in total
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : Trying to keep my sanity. Trying to accept that which I cannot change. It's hard.

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GIRL SHERMAN - 15 yo (9/14) - /Charged: Parents, Douglas Lyle and Kim Eng Sherman - Bloom Township, OH Empty Re: GIRL SHERMAN - 15 yo (9/14) - /Charged: Parents, Douglas Lyle and Kim Eng Sherman - Bloom Township, OH

Post by twinkletoes Wed Sep 17, 2014 5:13 am

What a brave girl.  If her parents had found out about the note there is no telling what what they would have done to the girl.  Thank heavens the neighbor did the right thing.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : Trying to keep my sanity. Trying to accept that which I cannot change. It's hard.

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