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Bloggernews takes a stand on the trial delay

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Bloggernews takes a stand on the trial delay Empty Bloggernews takes a stand on the trial delay

Post by mom_from_STL Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:56 pm

The trial was set to start in October, but guess what? Lyon’s teaching schedule at De Paul University does not fit into that time frame. What a crock! Why did she take on the case knowing full well that the date had been set? The judge should have told her to turn up, or find someone else.
This is a case that defies logic. Everyone has lawyers, even the lawyers have lawyers and spokesman. If poor Caylee had had a pet hamster, you can bet that the hamster would have a lawyer, spokesman, and a PR company by now!
Baez and his poison dwarfs should be ashamed of themselves. Get this trial moving forward. Postponing it till January does nothing but annoy people. Justice needs to be done, not delayed. No doubt in January we will see more delaying tactics, “Judge the dog ate my notes”.
I say BS, enough of the BS in this case, it is time to get it on the table, and get it over with.
Simon Barrett
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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