Emails from Casey's Great Aunt Mary Lou to Casey's Grandmother, Shirley Plesea
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Emails from Casey's Great Aunt Mary Lou to Casey's Grandmother, Shirley Plesea
Posted by desmom
Emails from Casey's Great Aunt Mary Lou to Casey's Grandmother, Shirley Plesea
Page 13 - July 4, 2:51 p.m. - I hope you may have heard from Cindy by this time. What is going on with Casey??? Is she giving her folks problems???
Page 24 - July 5, 6:10 a.m. - That deal Casey tells about sounds fishy to me too. At least she does have the baby with her and not expecting Cindy to care for Caylee. Is Casey working for Disney or Kodak???
Page 23 - July 6 5:36 a.m. - I am so glad that Cindy and George did show up. (Did they let Tinker come in to visit with AL??? If so, I know she was happy and so was he.)
I can't believe "that Casey". I wonder what she is up to??? Why would she be anywhere other than Orlando??? Does Universal have theme parks in those other cities??? Or is she just "gadding about" and is she taking the baby with her or is "a sitter" taking care of Caylee??? Who knows what she is doing? I can imagine "Cindy is beside herself" with worry.
I am glad Cindy and George are getting "on" for now. Cindy sure does need someone to help get through these trying times with Casey. It does sound as thought Cindy is working much too hard at home doing all these projects.
Page 22 - July 6, 3:07 p.m. - Aha! There is a "guy" involved in Casey's life. She better be careful or she will have #2 Baby to raise, or should I say Cindy will have another baby living in her home???
I know Cindy would really want to know who is taking care of Caylee and is she being taken care of properly??? I can imagine she is worried frantically.
Page 21 - July 7, 6:37 a.m. - That's quite a "tale" Casey tells. I wonder how much of it is true??? What bothers me is the fact Casey doesn't bother to keep in touch with her mother. (I wonder if Cindy thinks of how you must feel when you don't hear from her)??? It does seem as thought "everyone is too busy" to make a phone call to keep in touch.
Page 20 - July 8, 6:24 a.m. - I am with you in thinking something might be amiss with Caylee. I can't believe she would be that upset to speak and hear her grandmother on the phone??? i just hope that little girl is ok. I wonder how much of Caylee's clothes and toys Casey took when she left??? How much of her own things did she take???
Seems to me, they would be running out of things to wear etc. Of course I guess Casey could be buying things as time goes along???
Page 19 - July 9, 5:53 a.m. - I know Cindy wouldn't "like" to lock Casey out of the house, but I think it would be a good idea to "force" Casey's hand and see just what she may be up to. If she is directing friends to go in the house and get things, that is not a very good idea in regards to Cindy & George's privacy or safety of their belongings.
Page 18 - July 9, 1:45 p.m. - I know Cindy is between "a rock and a hard place" with this "Casey Affair". Even though Casey has been supported. In everything she has done, by her folks. She is an "ingrate" and for some reason has turned her back on the people that care the most for her.
It is very hard to understand what people do and how they think??? I am thinking Casey will come dragging back when she finds no one else wants to be bothered with her and her toddler. (She sure didn't turn out like I had imagined she would.)
I feel badly for Cindy, but she needs to break the ties with Casey and get on with her own life. ...
Casey will have to learn that the hard way. I am afraid in the meantime Cindy will just have to try to get on with her life and hope things will turn out ok.
Page 17 - July 11, 5:14 a.m. - I smiled when you said Cindy says she doesn't think Casey is pg. I don't think she thought Casey was pg the last time around either??? Something is keeping Casey from facing her mother??? (I was so devastated last time when Casey was pregnant. It was almost like it was my own child.) I just felt terrible and I could imagine how letdown Cindy felt.
Page 16 - July 11, 1:20 p.m. - I am glad you heard from Cindy. That Casey sure does know how "to tell a story" doesn't she??? I don't think Cindy believes half of what she says. What does George think about all this??? Too bad Cindy doesn't know some of Casey's co-workers. Maybe she could get some "news' from them???
Page 14 - July 16, 4:21 a.m. - I guess you haven't heard from Cindy? I just can't imagine what is going on with Casey??? Unless she and Cindy had a "spat" before she left last time, there doesn't seem to be any reason for her to do this to her mom???
Emails from Casey's Great Aunt Mary Lou to Casey's Grandmother, Shirley Plesea
Page 13 - July 4, 2:51 p.m. - I hope you may have heard from Cindy by this time. What is going on with Casey??? Is she giving her folks problems???
Page 24 - July 5, 6:10 a.m. - That deal Casey tells about sounds fishy to me too. At least she does have the baby with her and not expecting Cindy to care for Caylee. Is Casey working for Disney or Kodak???
Page 23 - July 6 5:36 a.m. - I am so glad that Cindy and George did show up. (Did they let Tinker come in to visit with AL??? If so, I know she was happy and so was he.)
I can't believe "that Casey". I wonder what she is up to??? Why would she be anywhere other than Orlando??? Does Universal have theme parks in those other cities??? Or is she just "gadding about" and is she taking the baby with her or is "a sitter" taking care of Caylee??? Who knows what she is doing? I can imagine "Cindy is beside herself" with worry.
I am glad Cindy and George are getting "on" for now. Cindy sure does need someone to help get through these trying times with Casey. It does sound as thought Cindy is working much too hard at home doing all these projects.
Page 22 - July 6, 3:07 p.m. - Aha! There is a "guy" involved in Casey's life. She better be careful or she will have #2 Baby to raise, or should I say Cindy will have another baby living in her home???
I know Cindy would really want to know who is taking care of Caylee and is she being taken care of properly??? I can imagine she is worried frantically.
Page 21 - July 7, 6:37 a.m. - That's quite a "tale" Casey tells. I wonder how much of it is true??? What bothers me is the fact Casey doesn't bother to keep in touch with her mother. (I wonder if Cindy thinks of how you must feel when you don't hear from her)??? It does seem as thought "everyone is too busy" to make a phone call to keep in touch.
Page 20 - July 8, 6:24 a.m. - I am with you in thinking something might be amiss with Caylee. I can't believe she would be that upset to speak and hear her grandmother on the phone??? i just hope that little girl is ok. I wonder how much of Caylee's clothes and toys Casey took when she left??? How much of her own things did she take???
Seems to me, they would be running out of things to wear etc. Of course I guess Casey could be buying things as time goes along???
Page 19 - July 9, 5:53 a.m. - I know Cindy wouldn't "like" to lock Casey out of the house, but I think it would be a good idea to "force" Casey's hand and see just what she may be up to. If she is directing friends to go in the house and get things, that is not a very good idea in regards to Cindy & George's privacy or safety of their belongings.
Page 18 - July 9, 1:45 p.m. - I know Cindy is between "a rock and a hard place" with this "Casey Affair". Even though Casey has been supported. In everything she has done, by her folks. She is an "ingrate" and for some reason has turned her back on the people that care the most for her.
It is very hard to understand what people do and how they think??? I am thinking Casey will come dragging back when she finds no one else wants to be bothered with her and her toddler. (She sure didn't turn out like I had imagined she would.)
I feel badly for Cindy, but she needs to break the ties with Casey and get on with her own life. ...
Casey will have to learn that the hard way. I am afraid in the meantime Cindy will just have to try to get on with her life and hope things will turn out ok.
Page 17 - July 11, 5:14 a.m. - I smiled when you said Cindy says she doesn't think Casey is pg. I don't think she thought Casey was pg the last time around either??? Something is keeping Casey from facing her mother??? (I was so devastated last time when Casey was pregnant. It was almost like it was my own child.) I just felt terrible and I could imagine how letdown Cindy felt.
Page 16 - July 11, 1:20 p.m. - I am glad you heard from Cindy. That Casey sure does know how "to tell a story" doesn't she??? I don't think Cindy believes half of what she says. What does George think about all this??? Too bad Cindy doesn't know some of Casey's co-workers. Maybe she could get some "news' from them???
Page 14 - July 16, 4:21 a.m. - I guess you haven't heard from Cindy? I just can't imagine what is going on with Casey??? Unless she and Cindy had a "spat" before she left last time, there doesn't seem to be any reason for her to do this to her mom???
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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