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KC's Application for Criminal Indigent Status

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KC's Application for Criminal Indigent Status Empty KC's Application for Criminal Indigent Status

Post by karma Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:47 pm

Document: kc's application for Criminal Indigent Status...


Interesting post/comments...



T2M says:
December 29, 2009 at 7:07 am
I have been wondering, if the defense needs to take advantage of assistance provided by the state for due process costs for expert witnesses, would the financial documents required to be filed force the defense to disclose where the money thus far has come from? And do you think they will apply for this assistance?

I ask is because I think the lack of money is the reason they have not had the forensic evidence examined.


KC's Application for Criminal Indigent Status Db9d069cadba7a8e7aed340951edc1b1?s=32&d=&r=R Richard Hornsby says:

December 29, 2009 at 7:08 am

I agree and that topic will be the subject of my next post. (It was supposed to be part of this one, but I got writer’s block.)
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