Nancy Grace 8-28-08
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Nancy Grace 8-28-08
Hair Found in Car Trunk Reportedly Identified as Missing Toddler`s
Aired August 28, 2008 - 20:00:00 ET
JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, GUEST HOST: Breaking news tonight, major bombshells as more disturbing forensic evidence comes back in the case that all of America has been tracking, the disappearance of that beautiful 3- year-old Florida girl named Caylee. She was last seen with her mother, Casey. Little Caylee has been missing for 10 long weeks.
Tonight, the case appears increasingly ghoulish and grim. The much- anticipated DNA results are finally in tonight and it is a bombshell. According to local affiliate WKMG, hair found in mom, Casey Anthony`s, car trunk appears -- and I say, appears -- to be little Caylee`s and appears to show signs of human decomposition. And of, course that is a very bad sign. All indications now point to 3-year-old Caylee as quite possibly dead. This on the heels of air samples taken from that same car trunk that also confirmed human decomposition. Plus, cadaver dogs hit on Casey Anthony`s car. Investigators now set to hand over these DNA results to prosecutors.
The big question, will more criminal charges be next? And what do these results mean for that limited immunity deal now on the table? The state is reportedly giving Casey Anthony until next Tuesday to tell them the key information that would help them locate her little girl.
And is mom, Casey Anthony, heading straight back to jail? A California bounty hunter and bail bondsman say they`re close to revoking the hefty $50,000 that they put up to free Casey Anthony.
But tonight, the biggest question, the biggest one of all, still remains. What really happened to 3-year-old Caylee?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I actually went into the car to smell what the smell smelled like, and in my experience, the smell that I smelled inside that car was the smell of decomposition.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Fast-breaking developments right now, CNN affiliate WKMG reporting that DNA results are back from the FBI and all indications are that 3-year-old Caylee Anthony is dead. Hair found in the trunk of Casey Anthony`s car now confirmed to be that of Caylee Anthony. And a bombshell tonight is the hair sample showed signs of decomposition.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla told us that he wants to start the process of revoke her bond in light of the latest developments and threats he`s received in the last 24 hours.
LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: You can get off a bond any time you want. It`s not a problem. I mean, you have to have no reason. You don`t have to have cause or anything. It`s just, boom, You`re going back to jail.
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Good evening. I`m Jane Velez Mitchell, in for Nancy Grace. Breaking news tonight in the desperate search for 3-year-old Florida girl Caylee Anthony. Bombshell! DNA results are in. The question, will more criminal charges be next?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: After weeks of keeping a tight lid on DNA evidence in the desperate search for Caylee Anthony, the results are in and it`s heartbreaking, CNN affiliate WKMG now reporting that hair found in the trunk of mom, Casey Anthony`s, car show signs of decomposition.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) jumped up into the trunk, front paws, stuck his head in. He alerted to the odor of human decomposition.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The hair confirmed to be that of little Caylee. This late-breaking bombshell, combined with cadaver dogs that also hit on the car and air samples confirming a dead body was in the trunk, all appear to lead to the same conclusion, that 3-year-old Caylee Anthony is most likely dead.
The rest of the transcript can be found here:
Aired August 28, 2008 - 20:00:00 ET
JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, GUEST HOST: Breaking news tonight, major bombshells as more disturbing forensic evidence comes back in the case that all of America has been tracking, the disappearance of that beautiful 3- year-old Florida girl named Caylee. She was last seen with her mother, Casey. Little Caylee has been missing for 10 long weeks.
Tonight, the case appears increasingly ghoulish and grim. The much- anticipated DNA results are finally in tonight and it is a bombshell. According to local affiliate WKMG, hair found in mom, Casey Anthony`s, car trunk appears -- and I say, appears -- to be little Caylee`s and appears to show signs of human decomposition. And of, course that is a very bad sign. All indications now point to 3-year-old Caylee as quite possibly dead. This on the heels of air samples taken from that same car trunk that also confirmed human decomposition. Plus, cadaver dogs hit on Casey Anthony`s car. Investigators now set to hand over these DNA results to prosecutors.
The big question, will more criminal charges be next? And what do these results mean for that limited immunity deal now on the table? The state is reportedly giving Casey Anthony until next Tuesday to tell them the key information that would help them locate her little girl.
And is mom, Casey Anthony, heading straight back to jail? A California bounty hunter and bail bondsman say they`re close to revoking the hefty $50,000 that they put up to free Casey Anthony.
But tonight, the biggest question, the biggest one of all, still remains. What really happened to 3-year-old Caylee?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I actually went into the car to smell what the smell smelled like, and in my experience, the smell that I smelled inside that car was the smell of decomposition.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Fast-breaking developments right now, CNN affiliate WKMG reporting that DNA results are back from the FBI and all indications are that 3-year-old Caylee Anthony is dead. Hair found in the trunk of Casey Anthony`s car now confirmed to be that of Caylee Anthony. And a bombshell tonight is the hair sample showed signs of decomposition.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla told us that he wants to start the process of revoke her bond in light of the latest developments and threats he`s received in the last 24 hours.
LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: You can get off a bond any time you want. It`s not a problem. I mean, you have to have no reason. You don`t have to have cause or anything. It`s just, boom, You`re going back to jail.
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Good evening. I`m Jane Velez Mitchell, in for Nancy Grace. Breaking news tonight in the desperate search for 3-year-old Florida girl Caylee Anthony. Bombshell! DNA results are in. The question, will more criminal charges be next?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: After weeks of keeping a tight lid on DNA evidence in the desperate search for Caylee Anthony, the results are in and it`s heartbreaking, CNN affiliate WKMG now reporting that hair found in the trunk of mom, Casey Anthony`s, car show signs of decomposition.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) jumped up into the trunk, front paws, stuck his head in. He alerted to the odor of human decomposition.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The hair confirmed to be that of little Caylee. This late-breaking bombshell, combined with cadaver dogs that also hit on the car and air samples confirming a dead body was in the trunk, all appear to lead to the same conclusion, that 3-year-old Caylee Anthony is most likely dead.
The rest of the transcript can be found here:
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