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The Gatorade bottle and a Syringe – Chemical Analysis – Updated by ValHall

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The Gatorade bottle and a Syringe – Chemical Analysis – Updated by ValHall Empty The Gatorade bottle and a Syringe – Chemical Analysis – Updated by ValHall

Post by momgot2kids Sat Apr 24, 2010 1:00 pm

The Gatorade bottle and a Syringe – Chemical Analysis – UpdatedPosted on April 24th, 2010 by Valhall

Original article posted November 8, 2009

I guess I’ll say up front that my opinion is the Gatorade bottle with the syringe inside doesn’t have anything to do with Caylee or Casey. I thinks it’s discarded trash. And I don’t believe we’ll ever see it entered as evidence at trial. But for the sake of discussion I’ll assume it COULD be, because it was there by the remains.

So on that assumption I have to say – basically what we have here is a syringe and bottle with an anabolic steroid stack (most likely Sustanon), and what appears to be Citronella oil (reference the Limonene, Terpineol and oil found in the contents along with the smell of a cleaner). The bottle itself contains of an order of magnitude of 10 ppb (parts per billion) chloroform (unless I’ve done something terribly stupid in interpreting the data). (Please note that is just an order of magnitude estimate, not an absolute number.) As a reference, the state of Massachusetts has set the limit at 470 ppb for chloroform presence in surface waters for the state. Also, the EPA sets the total trihalomethanes (TTHM’s) at 80 ppb. TTHM’s are a group of compounds that include chloroform, so basically this means if you didn’t have any of the other THM’s in the group, you could have up to 80 ppb of chloroform in your drinking water. It should be noted that chloroform is a byproduct of the chlorination process of drinking water. I guess what I’m saying is, the chloroform could have come from tap water in the bottle.
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