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Judge Sets Hearing For 911 Calls In Casey Case

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Judge Sets Hearing For 911 Calls In Casey Case Empty Judge Sets Hearing For 911 Calls In Casey Case

Post by mom_in_il Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:56 pm

Judge Sets Hearing For 911 Calls In Casey Case

Posted: 4:15 pm EDT June 16, 2010
Updated: 3:17 pm EDT June 21, 2010

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- The case against Casey Anthony was back in court Monday afternoon for a status hearing, but Casey did not attend. Judge Perry said she doesn't have to come to the monthly status hearings, which won't involve arguments on major issues.

The hearing lasted less than 30 minutes and the only real decision that came out of it is that the issue over 911 calls will be heard at an already-scheduled hearing July 15.

“There's something wrong. I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car,” Cindy Anthony said in the 911 call (hear it).

Judge Sets Hearing For 911 Calls In Casey Case VideoRAW VIDEO: Status Hearing
Judge Sets Hearing For 911 Calls In Casey Case VideoRAW INTERVIEW: Casey's Attorney Talks To WFTV
Judge Sets Hearing For 911 Calls In Casey Case ArticleDOCUMENT: Motion To Hear 911 Call
Judge Sets Hearing For 911 Calls In Casey Case AudioCINDY'S 911 CALLS: Dead Body | Turn In Casey | Caylee Gone

Cindy Anthony made the frantic 911 call minutes after Casey told her that Caylee had been missing for 31 days. Cindy allegedly told co-workers that George thought the car smelled like a dead body. It was the reason her manager made her leave work that day and get to the bottom of why Casey's car was towed and where Caylee was.

The defense is claiming the 911 call was not an excited utterance, but rather hearsay that should not be allowed in as evidence. Prosecutors, however, say they want a jury to hear that third 911 call and Cindy's first call to 911, which reveals Casey’s claim about Caylee disappearing with a nanny named Zenaida Gonzales. That is what Casey told her mother to explain why Caylee was missing.

Meanwhile, after the hearing, the defense made a comment to WFTV reporter Kathi Belich that was a reverse of previous statements they've made. They are now claiming no one from EquuSearch searched the area where Caylee’s remains were later found, despite previously claiming EquuSearch had searched there; the defense had used that claim to this point as their proof that Casey couldn’t have killed Caylee because she was in jail when, the defense had said, the body was put there.

WFTV.com will update this story with more details later Monday afternoon.

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