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Investigation continues

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Investigation continues Empty Investigation continues

Post by oviedo45 Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:56 pm

Investigation of Child's Remains Continues
Last Edited: Friday, 12 Dec 2008, 6:10 AM EST
Created: Thursday, 11 Dec 2008, 11:02 AM EST
A child's body has been discovered near the Anthony home. PHOTO COURTESY: SkyFOX

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35, Orlando) -- A team of medical examiners and detectives was hustling to identify the skeletal remains of a child found in a wooded lot in central Florida Thursday, hoping to solve the six-month-old mystery of a missing toddler.

Caylee Anthony, 3, has been missing since June. On Thursday, less than a half-mile from where the girl lived, a utility worker stumbled upon remains of a small child.

There was nothing that immediately indicated the remains were
Caylee's. But Orange County Sheriff Kevin Beary said his investigators and the FBI would work around the clock and through the weekend to identify the child. They were seeking yet another search warrant for the home where Caylee and her mother lived, looking for more clues.

"Now the investigation continues," Beary said. "There is a lot of lab work to do. There is a lot of DNA work to do. There is a lot of crime scene work to do."

More evidence was removed from the Anthony's home early Friday morning, including several bags and boxes which included clothing and other unnamed items.

Investigators continued to comb the site where the child's remains were discovered just off Suburban Drive. Orange County Sheriff's deputies have secured the area so that any evidence which may be collected will not be compromised.

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