Defense Deposition Extended Deadline for Certain Witnesses 11/19/2010
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Defense Deposition Extended Deadline for Certain Witnesses 11/19/2010
Judge Perry extended the deadline for taking depositions of State expert witnesses from Sept. 30, 2010 to November 19, 2010 for these State experts (because Defense experts have not finished reviewing the evidence yet):
1) Neal Haskill - entomologist - defense depo scheduled for Oct 22, 2010
2) Christina Ballard - CA Pound ID Lab - took video of Dr. Warren's depo done on Sept 8, 2010 - Dr. Warren is with the C.A. Pound Human ID Lab in Gainesville
3) Kevin Stenger - OCSO
4) Michael Rickenbach - FBI Lab - defense depo scheduled for Sept 29, 2010 in Washington DC
5) William Moore - Metropolitan Bureau of Inv
6) Brandon Giroux - FBI Lab firearms toolmark expert - defense may not take depo
7) Sandra Cawn - OCO - depo scheduled for the 16th was canceled
8 Maureen Bradley - FBI Lab - defense depo scheduled for Sept 30, 2010
9) John Bradley - Cacheback - defense depo by Skype in Canada - Oct 7, 2010
10) James Darnell - US Secret Service - defense unsuccessful in scheduling depo
Defense said they still need to take depositions of dog experts:
1) Dep Jason Forgey - OCSO
2) Kristin Brewer - Osceola County Sheriff's office
3) Kevin Stenger - OCSO
(Credit Thinker)
1) Neal Haskill - entomologist - defense depo scheduled for Oct 22, 2010
2) Christina Ballard - CA Pound ID Lab - took video of Dr. Warren's depo done on Sept 8, 2010 - Dr. Warren is with the C.A. Pound Human ID Lab in Gainesville
3) Kevin Stenger - OCSO
4) Michael Rickenbach - FBI Lab - defense depo scheduled for Sept 29, 2010 in Washington DC
5) William Moore - Metropolitan Bureau of Inv
6) Brandon Giroux - FBI Lab firearms toolmark expert - defense may not take depo
7) Sandra Cawn - OCO - depo scheduled for the 16th was canceled
8 Maureen Bradley - FBI Lab - defense depo scheduled for Sept 30, 2010
9) John Bradley - Cacheback - defense depo by Skype in Canada - Oct 7, 2010
10) James Darnell - US Secret Service - defense unsuccessful in scheduling depo
Defense said they still need to take depositions of dog experts:
1) Dep Jason Forgey - OCSO
2) Kristin Brewer - Osceola County Sheriff's office
3) Kevin Stenger - OCSO
(Credit Thinker)
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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