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Casey Anthony: What does new defense motion mean?

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Casey Anthony: What does new defense motion mean?  Empty Casey Anthony: What does new defense motion mean?

Post by mom_in_il Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:11 pm

Casey Anthony: What does new defense motion mean?

posted by halboedeker on November, 27 2010 9:44 AM“Monday promises to be a big day in the case against Casey Anthony,” WESH-Channel 2 anchor Jim Payne said last night when introducing another Anthony story.

I imagine we’re going to have a lot of big days between now and the trial’s scheduled start in May. And you’re going to hear stations speculating about what all the latest developments mean.
WESH’s Bob Kea
examined how a new defense motion could signal a change this Monday to a greater reliance on science to raise reasonable doubt about who put Caylee’s remains in the woods. Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter.

The new motion: The defense wants Chief Judge Belvin Perry to approve an expert on decaying and fossilized bones.

Kealing noted that the new motion coincided with two other developments:

***The defense won the right to have out-of-state DNA tests done on Caylee’s shorts and a laundry bag found near her remains.

***The defense seems to be backing away from a strategy that relies on a Texas EquuSearch volunteer, Laura Buchanan, who says she saw nothing where Caylee’s remains were later found. “A source with knowledge of Buchanan’s recent sworn deposition says her statement has … changed, and she’s under investigation for possibly falsifying documents,” Kealing said.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if the defense just abandons Laura Buchanan altogether,” said Orlando attorney Richard Hornsby, who provides analysis for the station.

Kealing also quoted “our source” as saying the recent deposition of Roy Kronk’s son was “not helpful in another defense strategy to paint Kronk as a possible suspect.” Kronk is the former meter reader who found the toddler’s remains.

Who might that source be? Does it sound as if the “source” is floating trial balloons?

Feel free to speculate along with the reporters and analysts. But you may want to save your efforts for the other big days coming in the case.

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