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Caylee Anthony's Autopsy Photos - Fanning

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Caylee Anthony's Autopsy Photos - Fanning Empty Caylee Anthony's Autopsy Photos - Fanning

Post by mom_in_il Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:32 pm

Writing Is a Crime - Diane Fanning
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Caylee Anthony's Autopsy Photos


Yesterday, prosecutors presenting the case against Casey Anthony submitted paperwork to the court that listed the items of evidence the state intends to introduce at trial. Included in those documents were the autopsy photos of Caylee Anthony.

When I saw that I cringed. The thought of that beautiful child reduced to a pile of bones, rot and duct tape turned my stomach. I suspected the defense team might do at trial what many do: show the photo over and over in order to desensitize the jurors to the horror of the image.

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