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AUSTRALIA • Gary ADAMS, 17 (2003) ~ Melbourne

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AUSTRALIA • Gary ADAMS, 17 (2003) ~ Melbourne Empty AUSTRALIA • Gary ADAMS, 17 (2003) ~ Melbourne

Post by TomTerrific0420 Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:33 am

A $100,000 reward has been offered for information to help solve the suspected murder of a Melbourne teenager.
Gary Adams, 17, left home on December 3, 2003 to spend two days with friends.
It is believed he returned home, because a half-eaten meal was found in his room and his backpack was also there.
He was expected at a party that night, but never showed up.
His bike was also found at home, leading investigators to believe he may have been murdered.
Homicide Detective Inspector John Potter says his family needs answers.
"Particularly Gary's mother Jo-Ann, who has suffered through these
seven years without knowing what happened to her son," he said.
"Just the smallest piece of information can help solve this crime.
The reward is an offer for information which leads to a conviction.
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