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Casey Anthony juror, 60, quits work and flees town in fear of her life - DailyMail

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Casey Anthony juror, 60, quits work and flees town in fear of her life - DailyMail Empty Casey Anthony juror, 60, quits work and flees town in fear of her life - DailyMail

Post by mom_in_il Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:03 pm

Casey Anthony juror, 60, quits work and flees town in fear of her life
By Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 1:24 PM on 11th July 2011


  • 'I'd rather go to jail than sit on another jury'
  • Husband worried about her health

A juror in the Casey Anthony trial has told how she received death threats and has been unable to work since she was cleared of murder.

The woman, known only as juror number 12 left her job and went into hiding fearing co-workers would 'want her head on a platter'.

Her husband said before leaving she told him: 'I’d rather go to jail than sit on a jury like this again.'

He told NBC News he was worried for her health and had his bags packed ready to leave if his 60-year-old wife's name gets released.

The woman, who moved to Florida from Michigan, fled the area, retiring from her job working at Publix Grocery over the phone because she didn't feel safe.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2013371/Casey-Anthony-juror-60-quits-work-flees-town-fear-life.html#ixzz1RpDHZK85
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