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Accountability Is Lost………..Our Court System Has Become A Chess Game/Poker Game/Screen Test, The Quest For Justice & Truth Is Gone - niecey

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Accountability Is Lost………..Our Court System Has Become A Chess Game/Poker Game/Screen Test, The Quest For Justice & Truth Is Gone - niecey Empty Accountability Is Lost………..Our Court System Has Become A Chess Game/Poker Game/Screen Test, The Quest For Justice & Truth Is Gone - niecey

Post by mom_in_il Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:03 pm

Accountability Is Lost………..Our Court System Has Become A Chess Game/Poker Game/Screen Test, The Quest For Justice & Truth Is Gone
Posted on July 30, 2011 by niecey456


Is anyone accountable for anything anymore? Only if you are an honest, law-abiding, tax paying citizen, or completely innocent, as in a child. Then you are not only held more than accountable for your actions, but you must pay for the actions of the criminals, even if it means with your life. Unless of course the criminal happens to be on the low-end of the totem pole, and isn’t very appealing, then they MIGHT be held accountable, if the ACLU, NOW, or some other bleeding heart organization doesn’t step up to claim racism or some kind of hate crime to counter and change the focus off of the real crime. In short, it has just about become a crime to be righteous, innocent, defenseless, kind or trusting. We live in perilous times where it seems that evil is prevailing, not just in our justice systems, but in our governments. To the world RIGHT IS THE NEW WRONG, AND WRONG IS THE NEW RIGHT. Things have become backwards, not the way they were intended to be. People almost worship criminals and terrorists anymore. Why? Why do so many people love evil so much? The following article sheds some light on this very subject.

More: http://niecey456.wordpress.com/2011/07/30/accountability-is-lost-our-court-system-has-become-a-chess-gamepoker-gamescreen-test-the-quest-for-justice-truth-is-gone/
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