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A True Bombshell – Casey Anthony’s Porn Career

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A True Bombshell – Casey Anthony’s Porn Career Empty A True Bombshell – Casey Anthony’s Porn Career

Post by mom_in_il Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:09 pm

A True Bombshell – Casey Anthony’s Porn Career

March 3rd, 2009

Casey Anthony, the Florida woman accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter, Caylee Anthony, made an appearance in a Florida courtroom on March 2. At issue during this hearing was the release of reportedly thousands of photos Anthony had stored on various web accounts.

A defense motion to prevent the release of the jailhouse video revealing Anthony’s reaction as she heard the news the remains, which would turn out to be her daughter, had been found yards from the Anthony family home was also heard.

Anthony appeared at the hearing in ankle shackles, looking a few pounds heavier than before. She has put on a bit of weight while behind bars and is visibly plumper than she was in the party photos that were taken after Caylee disappeared.

In those photos, the world has already seen Casey Anthony at what was presumed to be her worst. However, at the latest hearing, her attorney said the release of thousands of additional photos of Anthony would be embarrassing to her. News outlets are now questioning the content of the photos and speculating as to what they contain that could be worse than what we have already seen.

So far, reporters are dancing around the subject. All are afraid to say that the thousands of photos may seem to chronicle Casey Anthony’s career in Internet porn. News reports are currently characterizing the mystery photos as “party pictures.”

Armchair sleuths have long speculated that Anthony may have been involved in online pornography. Some even believe that Anthony could have involved her
daughter in child porn. I have uncovered inside information that may put an end to some rumors, or may fuel many more.

After Anthony’s arrest for suspicion of murder, a professionally done and explicit picture, seeming to depict Casey Anthony involved in a sex act surfaced. Mainstream media had no knowledge of the picture or refused to publish it because of its graphic content – this photo has never seen the light of day, until now.

This picture is likely one of the thousands of photos that could be released to the public in the coming days. The judge has denied Anthony’s motion and dismissed the argument the photos were irrelevant to the case. Anthony’s criminal defense lawyer, Jose Baez, claims these photos will taint the jury pool and deprive Anthony of a fair trial.

The photos in question, if they are in fact Casey Anthony’s body of work in the porn industry, may be more relevant than anyone realizes.

A forensic professional examined the photo contained in this post. It was her opinion Casey Anthony is the subject in the photo. Simply put, the XXX picture is not believed to be a work of fiction concocted in Photoshop.

Many people object to pornography for moral or religious reasons, but the fact remains that Internet porn is big business. The photo quality of the sample is professional. I spoke with a person in the industry, who shall remain anonymous, who gave me an insight into the world of online porn.

People who produce high-quality Internet porn generally operate professionally and strictly within the law. They make an enormous amount of money and will not risk being shut down or arrested by violating laws within the operation of their businesses.

Porn models are strictly screened for age requirements and a copy of legal identification is kept on file, along with a legal release giving the company the rights to use the images for the desired purpose. Models generally do not retain rights to the photos or film, but may have copies of their work to compose a portfolio.

Given the professional nature of this photo, it is likely the model was most likely working with an adult business that operates within the law. For this reason, it is not likely or probable that the porn company was in any way involved with Caylee Anthony. In the coming weeks, we can expect more details to come out about Casey Anthony’s alleged porn career and the companies for which she may have worked to be exposed.

In order to work in the porn industry, Anthony would have had to have a babysitter. Since the nanny she alleges babysat Caylee does not appear to exist, it has been speculated the child could have been drugged during her mother’s working hours. This could be one possible explanation for the chloroform and Xanax connection to the case and other evidence reportedly found in the trunk of Anthony’s car. Many believe Caylee might have died of an accidental drug overdose while her mother was working. It is evident Anthony had been terminated from her job at Universal long before her child’s death.

Each night, Nancy Grace announces “bombshell” developments in the Casey Anthony case. On Monday night, she tried desperately, with no success, to drag a frorn connection from her expert panel. As of yet, no one claims to have seen the pictures Anthony’s lawyer, Jose Baez, is trying to keep under wraps with claims that they are irrelevant to the case.

Under the public access law in Florida, evidence in criminal cases is made available to the media and the public. Since the judge has denied Anthony’s request to keep the photos private, the world may soon see for themselves how she occupied her time while supposedly working at Universal. From there, conclusions may be drawn as to how an alleged career in porn might have led to her daughter’s death.

The video, reportedly of Anthony having a panic attack, hyperventilating, doubling over and breaking out in hives when she learned of the discovery of a toddler’s body near her home, may remain more of a mystery than the photos. The judge ruled to delay the release of the tape amid objections by Anthony’s attorney that making the tape public would violate her medical privacy rights and right to an attorney.

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