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OCSO Wants To Stop Leaks

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OCSO Wants To Stop Leaks Empty OCSO Wants To Stop Leaks

Post by mom_from_STL Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:01 pm

Demings Wants Lid On Leaks In Casey Anthony Case
Sunday, March 15, 2009 7:25:14 AM

Orange County Sheriff's Office
ORLANDO -- Orange County sheriff Jerry Demings is telling his personnel to stop leaking information on the Casey Anthony case to the media.

Demings told the Orlando Sentinel, "We’re not going to lose cases because of loose lips."

He said anyone caught leaking information in an active criminal investigation will be treated "seriously."

The edict comes after months of intense publicity in the murder investigation of 2-year-old Caylee Anthony.

Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez, has complained the leaks are unfair, and prejudicial to his defense.

Demings didn't identify specific leaks in the investigation, but said he's never seen a similar flow of active criminal information reported publicly during his 21-year career at the Orlando Police Department.
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