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Casey “spices up” her jail cell

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Casey “spices up” her jail cell Empty Casey “spices up” her jail cell

Post by mom_in_il Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:11 pm

How Casey “spices up” her jail cell - world exclusive

March 26, 2009 by derekclontz

Alleged baby-killer Casey Anthony is “spicing up” her jail experience with demands for:

- Spicy Cajun Mix,
- Jalapeno Nacho Chips,
- Hot & Spicy Corn Chips,
- “Premium” Chicken Breasts, and, as cable commentator and victim’s rights advocate Nancy Grace likes to put it , “expensive filtered water” that the jail commissary sells for $1.20 per bottle.

And that’s not all.
We learned from the Orange County (Florida) Corrections Office that Anthony in the past week also has purchased:

- an 18-pack of super-absorbent Tampons,
- a black pen,
- a Styrofoam cup,
- hot-cocoa mix,
- a can of beef stew,
- Skittles fruit-flavored candies, all of this, ostensibly, to help her forget her worries, which include allegations that she murdered her daughter, Caylee Anthony, 2, a charge for which she will stand trial next fall.

Anthony, 23, spent $140 from her jailhouse bank account, the maximum allowed by law. She still has $420 in her account, loaded up, in part, by strangers who sent her money orders of $10 and $25, apparently because they feel sorry for her.

What do you think? Is Casey overdoing it with the snacks, or are the purchases she makes from the jail commisary with her own money no big deal? Write today. Your opinion counts.

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