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Jose Baez: Zimmerman prosecutor's statements 'completely false' - CFNews 13

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Jose Baez: Zimmerman prosecutor's statements 'completely false' - CFNews 13 Empty Jose Baez: Zimmerman prosecutor's statements 'completely false' - CFNews 13

Post by mom_in_il Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:06 pm

Jose Baez: Zimmerman prosecutor's statements 'completely false'

Last Updated: Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 4:44 PM

Jose Baez's name has now come up in the case against George Zimmerman.

Casey Anthony's former attorney has written a letter to the judge presiding over Zimmerman's murder trial for the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

Baez said Zimmerman prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda was wrong when he argued that Baez was held in contempt of court during the Casey Anthony murder trial

During a gag order hearing Friday, de la Rionda argued that Baez was held in contempt, because of comments he made to the media.

But Baez called that statement "completely false," telling Judge Debra Nelson in his letter that "the only discipline ever handed down … was a fine for discovery violation."

Baez was fined about $600 for failing to turn over evidence to the court.

Judge Nelson denied the gag order Monday, one day before Baez's letter was filed.

Text from Jose Baez's letter to Judge Debra Nelson

Your Honor:

It has come to my attention that some misrepresentations were made in your courtroom on Friday, October 26, 2012. As an officer of the court I feel obligated to bring them to your attention immediately.

During oral arguments in the case of State of Florida vs. George Zimmerman, assistant state attorney Bernie de la Rionda stated that he believed that I had been held in contempt by Judge Perry in the State of Florida vs. Casey Anthony, presumably for violating some rule or order relating to violating the rules of professional conduct involving statements to the media.

These representations are completely false. The only discipline ever handed down in the Casey Anthony case by any judge was a fine for a discovery violation. There was never any such discipline or admonishments relating to comments to the media to ever arise in the Casey Anthony case. (The prosecution's motion for a gag order was denied by Judge Strickland.)

I am available to the court if further clarification is needed. I am certain that Mr. De la Rionda was more careful with his other arguments, however, I will ask him personally to please verify his facts in the future before recklessly attempting to tarnish any other members of the Central Florida legal community.


Jose A. Baez

Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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