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BELTRAN Children - San Antonio TX

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BELTRAN Children - San Antonio TX Empty BELTRAN Children - San Antonio TX

Post by TomTerrific0420 Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:33 am

A mom is accused of leaving her four children alone for hours,
including a 3-week-old newborn. A neighbor called police around 10:00
p.m. Sunday night after hearing children crying inside an apartment on
the West Side.

When police arrived, they knocked on the door. At
first no one answered the door. But then the 6-year-old opened the
front door and told the officer, "Mommy left us here all alone and she
went to go dancing."

When officers entered the apartment, they found a 6-year-old, a 4-year-old, 1-year-old, and a 3-week-old by themselves.

The 6-year-old said it wasn't the first time. She told police, "She just left us here. She does it all the time."

tracked down the children's mother, 25-year-old Baleria Beltran, at the
Noche Caliente International Nite Club several miles from her home and
arrested her. Investigators said Beltran had been at the club for more
than two hours.

Beltran's neighbors are still upset.

"Stop having kids. Stop having kids," said neighbor Maria. "Why have kids if you're not going to take care of them?"

Beltran is in jail charged with four counts of endangering a child.

News 4 WOAI was told her children are with their grandmother, and Child Protective Services is investigating.
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