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The Search: Jim Hoover’s 12/18/08 interview with OCSO by ValHall

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The Search: Jim Hoover’s 12/18/08 interview with OCSO by ValHall Empty The Search: Jim Hoover’s 12/18/08 interview with OCSO by ValHall

Post by momgot2kids Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:42 pm


Posted on March 2nd, 2010 by Valhall

There is a member on ScaredMonkeys.com forum who posted a link to a video of Bill Sheaffer talking to Kathi Belich about Dominic Casey and Jim Hoover’s November 2008 searches of the area where Caylee was found a month later. I had long forgotten about this conversation between Mr. Sheaffer and Kathi Belich. In it, Mr. Sheaffer voices that he believes the search was staged. It’s been quite some time since I read the interviews of Dominic and Jim with OCSO, so I decided to revisit them and found that because of the many incongruities in their stories, I have been “misremembering” the details. I will state upfront that I agree with Mr. Sheaffer. The search was staged, but I don’t believe by both men – only one. I believe the second was kept clueless so that he could substantiate exactly what he was directed to see – which was NOTHING.

To try and make sense of Dominic Casey and Jim Hoover’s stories surrounding the November 15th/16th, 2008 searches is like skeet shooting while seeing double. The best you can do is aim for the middle and hope for the best – but hitting something of substance is going to be near blind luck. Of the two of them, I’m more inclined to believe Jim is telling the greater portion of the truth than Dominic Casey. And I don’t particularly think that’s because Jim’s a man of high integrity wanting to get the truth out. I think he inadvertently ends up more honest because he never knew what the truth was in the first place. In other words, he wasn’t made privy to the real reason Dominic Casey drug him out there, and so he never really knew what he wasn’t supposed to tell and was supposed to tell. His role was “Patsy-with-a-camera”.
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : Mom/Ring Master

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The Search: Jim Hoover’s 12/18/08 interview with OCSO by ValHall Empty Re: The Search: Jim Hoover’s 12/18/08 interview with OCSO by ValHall

Post by mom_in_il Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:23 pm