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Moving Along, Casey Anthony's Attorneys Argue The Motions - T & T

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Moving Along, Casey Anthony's Attorneys Argue The Motions - T & T Empty Moving Along, Casey Anthony's Attorneys Argue The Motions - T & T

Post by mom_in_il Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:25 pm

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Moving Along, Casey Anthony's Attorneys Argue The Motions


It's Tuesday, and right now, I imagine that Jose Baez and Cheney Mason are manning the phones, e-mail, and faxes to hurry up their expert witnesses. The problem could just possibly be that their experts have mostly found nothing to counter the prosecution evidence. Perhaps Jose Baez was correct when he said that his experts wouldn't know what to say until they heard the prosecution experts testify at trial. If this is true, we just may see the number of expert witnesses drop in the next week or so.

Then, there's Dr. Lee. Will he be willing to write a report prior to receiving the money he feels is owed him by the JAC? As of now, we have yet to hear if Jose Baez ever turned over Lee's financial records as he promised he would do.

I will admit that, after the first part of the hearing, the other motions sped by so fast, I couldn't take enough notes. So, I've gone back to the video of the hearing to check my facts and organized all the motions. Apologies to you all. I made a mistake when I said that there were two "missing" motions. There is only one, the root growth motion.

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