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Casey Anthony's State Of Mind: State Replies To Defense Motions T&T

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Casey Anthony's State Of Mind: State Replies To Defense Motions T&T Empty Casey Anthony's State Of Mind: State Replies To Defense Motions T&T

Post by momgot2kids Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:47 am

Casey Anthony's State Of Mind: State Replies To Defense Motions
Yesterday, the State of Florida, namely Frank George and Linda Drane Burdick, responded to a number of defense motions in limine. These were the motions that Ms. Drane Burdick had indicated the State would argue in written form. These motions are now in the hands of Judge Belvin Perry to decide.

The State Of Florida's Response To Defendant's Motions In Limine is one of the most beautifully written document thus far presented to the court. It clearly discusses the nature of prejudicial vs. probative testimony in a way any person who has never followed a case can learn a great deal. Replete with legal references, this is a must read for anyone following the case.

Unlike the defense motions which are sometimes confusing and difficult to fathom, the State lays out a large part of it's case loud and clear. The motion also is an educational primer for those of us who are not attorneys.

In the legal analysis of the case, the motion begins by saying that,

Because Miss Anthony is facing the death penalty if convicted of the crime of Murder in the First Degree, a significant number of the defendant's motions urge this Court to make rulings on evidentiary motions "in light of these stringent Due Process Standards established by the Supreme Court."...

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