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"Abandoned Newborn" - Found in Church sink - Denver CO

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"Abandoned Newborn" - Found in Church sink - Denver CO Empty "Abandoned Newborn" - Found in Church sink - Denver CO

Post by TomTerrific0420 Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:17 pm

A newborn infant was found in a restroom sink at St. Dominic's Catholic Church
in northwest Denver Friday night.The baby was discovered alive at 9 p.m. by children
who notified adults at the church.The child was taken to a nearby hospital by parishioners
to be checked out.Police are concerned about the condition of the mother.
If anyone knows anything about the baby or the mother, they are asked to contact Denver police.
The church is located at 3005 W. 29th Ave.The infant's sex and race was not released.Under
the state's "Save Haven" law, a baby, up to 3 days old, can be left
with a hospital worker at any hospital, or with a fire fighter at any fire station in Colorado.
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