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More Hearings for Casey Anthony - Pass the Excedrin (Super Strength) - T & T

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More Hearings for Casey Anthony - Pass the Excedrin (Super Strength) - T & T Empty More Hearings for Casey Anthony - Pass the Excedrin (Super Strength) - T & T

Post by mom_in_il Thu Mar 31, 2011 4:17 am

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
More Hearings for Casey Anthony - Pass the Excedrin (Super Strength)


It's the beginning of the gardening season and I've spent a lot of time outdoors cleaning up my gardens. Where I live, the plants go dormant, but somehow the weeds manage to proliferate. If I expect to see my beautiful flowers grow strong and healthy, those pesky winter weeds have to go! With decent gardening time this week, I had hoped to get a lot accomplished.

However, Casey Anthony and her lawyers' interminable motions and excessive examination of witnesses is stealing all my time! I'm also sure Judge Perry is thrilled with the latest developments as well.

I just came indoors to start doing my homework for the hearing Friday (and possibly Saturday) and found out to my dismay that we now have a hearing on Thursday, March 31 at 10:00 AM. There will be more Frye hearings on Friday, April 1 and possibly Saturday, April 2 at 9:00 AM as well.

READ MORE: http://sprocket-trials.blogspot.com/2011/03/more-hearings-for-casey-anthony-pass.html
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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