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George & Cindy Anthony’s Atty Appear On Nancy Grace Show - cayleedaily

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George & Cindy Anthony’s Atty Appear On Nancy Grace Show - cayleedaily Empty George & Cindy Anthony’s Atty Appear On Nancy Grace Show - cayleedaily

Post by mom_in_il Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:23 pm

George & Cindy Anthony’s Atty Appear On Nancy Grace Show
by express


Cindy and George Anthony’s attorney is a guest tonight on the show. Read the show transcript below. Here’s a place to discuss the Nancy Grace Show as she covers the Casey Anthony Murder Case.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight in the search for 2-year-old Florida girl Caylee. Six months of searching culminate when skeletal remains found in a heavily wooded area 15 houses from the Anthony home confirmed to be Caylee. A utility meter reader stumbles on a tiny human skeleton, including a skull covered in light-colored hair, the killer duct taping and placing a heart-shaped sticker directly over the mouth, then triple bagging little Caylee like she`s trash!READ THE ENTIRE NANCY GRACE SHOW TRANSCRIPT HERE: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1104/01/ng.01.html

Bombshell tonight. Is tot mom`s defense now set to point their finger at grandfather George Anthony, blaming him for Caylee`s murder? The defense adding new witnesses just weeks before tot mom`s murder trial, witnesses intended to skewer tot mom`s own father, George, tot mom apparently planning to point the finger at her own father as 2-year-old Caylee`s killer. Who else will she blame? The defense tab skyrocketing, taxpayers already paying the $100,000-plus bill, and it`s rising by the day, expected to approach half a million dollars.

Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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