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Casey Flirts! Cheney Touches! Casey Gives Finger! Jose Sticks Out Tongue! Casey Gets iphone Lesson Everyone Laughs! A Baby is Dead!

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Casey Flirts! Cheney Touches! Casey Gives Finger! Jose Sticks Out Tongue! Casey Gets iphone Lesson Everyone Laughs! A Baby is Dead! Empty Casey Flirts! Cheney Touches! Casey Gives Finger! Jose Sticks Out Tongue! Casey Gets iphone Lesson Everyone Laughs! A Baby is Dead!

Post by mom_in_il Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:44 pm

Casey Flirts! Cheney Touches! Casey Gives Finger! Jose Sticks Out Tongue! Casey Gets iphone Lesson Everyone Laughs! A Baby is Dead!


Had I not viewed the in recent court tape of Casey Anthony and her lawyers with my own eyes, I NEVER would have believed it. I am stunned by everyone’s joyful and lighthearted behavior.

Maybe they actually believe that the magic golden wand will be the testimony of the two upcoming psychiatrists explaining away Casey’s Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome to account for her not reporting a missing Caylee for 31 days. No human being wil buy that. What about the years before where she told Cindy she had a job and graduated from high school ? Come on there is no way that these therapists can crate reasonable doubt with whatever they say. The police goose chase is not indicative of Post traumatic stress syndrome. Tt is indicate of sociopathy!

They were ALL in high and happy spirits as you can see from these screen shots below.


Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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