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49 potential Casey Anthony trial jurors dismissed after some chat about case - CBS News

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49 potential Casey Anthony trial jurors dismissed after some chat about case - CBS News Empty 49 potential Casey Anthony trial jurors dismissed after some chat about case - CBS News

Post by mom_in_il Wed May 11, 2011 3:05 pm

49 potential Casey Anthony trial jurors dismissed after some chat about case

May 10, 2011 4:43 PM By Camille Mann


CBS/WTSP) CLEARWATER, Fla. - Judge Belvin Perry dismissed 49 potential jurors from today's pool after he discovered they had spoken in depth about the case against Casey Anthony, the Orlando-area mother accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee.

When Perry asked the potential jurors if they had conversations about the case in the central jury room, a handful of them raised their hands, causing him to dismiss the whole group, reports CBS affiliate WTSP.

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