The Curse of a Narcissistic Mother: Cindy Anthony - Women in Crime Ink
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The Curse of a Narcissistic Mother: Cindy Anthony - Women in Crime Ink
Monday, May 9, 2011
The Curse of a Narcissistic Mother: Cindy Anthony
by Dr. Michelle Golland
If we believe that Casey Anthony was involved in the death of her daughter Caylee and we believe her parents either know this or have further information that would help build a case against her, they sure aren’t talking.
Many mothers ask, “How could Cindy Anthony protect the murderer of her innocent granddaughter?” Cindy Anthony’s narcissism is the how and the why. Cindy needs to protect her own self-image as the mother of a possible child killer. Her overwhelming narcissism would not allow her to ever reveal what she may know because she would never be able to cope with the public seeing her as a “bad” mother.
The Curse of a Narcissistic Mother: Cindy Anthony
by Dr. Michelle Golland
If we believe that Casey Anthony was involved in the death of her daughter Caylee and we believe her parents either know this or have further information that would help build a case against her, they sure aren’t talking.
Many mothers ask, “How could Cindy Anthony protect the murderer of her innocent granddaughter?” Cindy Anthony’s narcissism is the how and the why. Cindy needs to protect her own self-image as the mother of a possible child killer. Her overwhelming narcissism would not allow her to ever reveal what she may know because she would never be able to cope with the public seeing her as a “bad” mother.
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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