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Casey Anthony Murder Trial, Day 3: Defendant and Contemptuous Juror Bring Disorder - Criminal Report Daily

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Casey Anthony Murder Trial, Day 3: Defendant and Contemptuous Juror Bring Disorder - Criminal Report Daily Empty Casey Anthony Murder Trial, Day 3: Defendant and Contemptuous Juror Bring Disorder - Criminal Report Daily

Post by mom_in_il Fri May 13, 2011 1:23 pm

Casey Anthony Murder Trial, Day 3: Defendant and Contemptuous Juror Bring Disorder
May 12, 2011


[This article is by contributing writer Ivy Bigbee. She is a Washington, D.C.-based writer.]

CLEARWATER, Fla. — Due to yesterday’s abrupt dismissal of 50 "tainted" jurors, after the third day of jury selection in the Casey Anthony murder trial, a total of 200 potential jurors were poised to begin the second stage of a 3-part questioning process. Despite the progress, Judge Perry’s aims for order and organization seemed to collapse more than once, when the defendant and also a contemptuous grocery store employee brought their respective disorder to the court.

To her third day in court, Casey Anthony wore a pastel pink blouse and dark slacks. Anthony styled her hair in divided, loosely-coiled ponytails -- one face-framing portion of her dark hair carefully positioned to come forward and the other loosely-coiled section divided to hang down her back.

Reading of charges visibly upsets defendant

Indicted for killing her toddler daughter and then dumping the child’s body not far from the house they both shared with her parents, George and Cindy, Casey was unable to remain calm during each of Perry’s two readings of the charges. Losing composure, Anthony cried, shook her head and appeared to cower behind her bangs. At other times and during interims between her more emotional demonstrations, the young woman appeared incapable of remaining still, even briefly, as she manipulated her hair and clothing and often rubbed her hands together.

READ MORE: http://blogs.discovery.com/criminal_report/2011/05/casey-anthony-murder-trial-day-3-defendant-and-contemptuous-juror-bring-disorder.html
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