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Casey Anthony Trial, Day 18: Jury Examines Defendant’s ‘Bella Vita’ Tattoo - Criminal Report Daily

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Casey Anthony Trial, Day 18: Jury Examines Defendant’s ‘Bella Vita’ Tattoo - Criminal Report Daily Empty Casey Anthony Trial, Day 18: Jury Examines Defendant’s ‘Bella Vita’ Tattoo - Criminal Report Daily

Post by mom_in_il Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:59 am

Casey Anthony Trial, Day 18: Jury Examines Defendant’s ‘Bella Vita’ Tattoo
June 15, 2011


[This article is by contributing writer Ivy Bigbee. She is a Washington, D.C.-based writer.]

Casey-anthony-caylee-350x250 ORLANDO, Fla. -- Bella Vita. The jury eyed an FBI evidence photograph of Casey Anthony’s infamous “beautiful life” tattoo behind her left shoulder during day 18 of her first-degree murder trial.

Bella Vita, Then Pizza

Learning also that during her July 2 visit to Cast Iron Tattoos — approximately 17 days after prosecutors say she murdered her daughter — the jury heard testimony that the defendant treated those in the shop to pizza after the appointment. On June 15, the state plans to translate into English for the jury the words Bella Vita. The state could choose to reference the tattoo in their summation, helping to show a motive of wanting freedom to pursue the unfettered lifestyle she demonstrated after Caylee was last seen.

More: http://blogs.discovery.com/criminal_report/2011/06/casey-anthony-trial-day-18-jury-examines-defendants-bella-vita-tattoo.html
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