Casey Anthony walk down memory lane, written statement 16 July 2008 - HO
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Casey Anthony walk down memory lane, written statement 16 July 2008 - HO
Written on 21 May 2011 at 09:09 by humbleopinion
Casey Anthony walk down memory lane, written statement 16 July 2008
Remember when this all started on 15 July 2008? Casey was found by Cynthia at Tony Lazzaro’s apartment? Playing house like there was nothing wrong? Claiming that Caylee was taken by the Nanny, still to be found! Then out of the blue, on 15 July 2008 at 12 noon Caylee happens to make a mysterious call to Casey and there is no record of this call on Casey’s phone, but ! Never did she ever think that Law Enforcement could get her cell phone records, and find out that the call NEVER came in.
Of course we know that first off, NOT one of the Anthony’s could get the LAST day they saw Caylee right. Grandma Shirley was the one who remember the last time they had seen Caylee, it was Father’s day 2008 when they had gone to the nursing home to see “papa”, had the video not been made of Caylee singing, they would still be saying it was 9 June 2008. Oh what a SAD case this dysfunctional family is! Soon all this will be history, and we will never get the truth on how Casey killed Caylee and why, but we know that she will be paying for it soon. Yes Casey, Caylee will have Justice and all your lies will be swept under the carpet. Rest In Peace Caylee, Justice is right around the corner!
Casey Anthony walk down memory lane, written statement 16 July 2008
Remember when this all started on 15 July 2008? Casey was found by Cynthia at Tony Lazzaro’s apartment? Playing house like there was nothing wrong? Claiming that Caylee was taken by the Nanny, still to be found! Then out of the blue, on 15 July 2008 at 12 noon Caylee happens to make a mysterious call to Casey and there is no record of this call on Casey’s phone, but ! Never did she ever think that Law Enforcement could get her cell phone records, and find out that the call NEVER came in.
Of course we know that first off, NOT one of the Anthony’s could get the LAST day they saw Caylee right. Grandma Shirley was the one who remember the last time they had seen Caylee, it was Father’s day 2008 when they had gone to the nursing home to see “papa”, had the video not been made of Caylee singing, they would still be saying it was 9 June 2008. Oh what a SAD case this dysfunctional family is! Soon all this will be history, and we will never get the truth on how Casey killed Caylee and why, but we know that she will be paying for it soon. Yes Casey, Caylee will have Justice and all your lies will be swept under the carpet. Rest In Peace Caylee, Justice is right around the corner!
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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