Dear Mr Jose Baez Defense Attorney For Casey Anthony - hubpages
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Dear Mr Jose Baez Defense Attorney For Casey Anthony - hubpages
Dear Mr Jose Baez Defense Attorney For Casey Anthony
By Sunshine625
Dear Mr Baez,
I understand you have a job to do. You've been hired by Casey Anthony as her defense attorney. You will receive compensation by the Orange County taxpayers to perform your duties as a public defender. We are now into the second week of the trial. My question to you is, when will you actually start doing your job. The majority of the accusations you have made against the state's witnesses are blatant lies and fabrications. Your repeatedness of questions aimed at the witnesses are out of control.
I am not a legal advisor. I did not go to law school. But I am a John Grisham fan. Most importantly is that I am a person with common sense. My common sense is telling me that something is very wrong with your tactics. I am a firm believer that when anyone hires a professional to perform a job for them, they deserve the best. Granted you are defending a person who is guilty as sin which makes your task more difficult, but even Casey Anthony deserves a better defense than what you are offering.
By Sunshine625
Dear Mr Baez,
I understand you have a job to do. You've been hired by Casey Anthony as her defense attorney. You will receive compensation by the Orange County taxpayers to perform your duties as a public defender. We are now into the second week of the trial. My question to you is, when will you actually start doing your job. The majority of the accusations you have made against the state's witnesses are blatant lies and fabrications. Your repeatedness of questions aimed at the witnesses are out of control.
I am not a legal advisor. I did not go to law school. But I am a John Grisham fan. Most importantly is that I am a person with common sense. My common sense is telling me that something is very wrong with your tactics. I am a firm believer that when anyone hires a professional to perform a job for them, they deserve the best. Granted you are defending a person who is guilty as sin which makes your task more difficult, but even Casey Anthony deserves a better defense than what you are offering.
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