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An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey!

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An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey! Empty An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey!

Post by sunshine625 Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:50 pm


This is my opinion. Others have posted their comments and their points of view. We all have different emotions towards this case but in a nutshell we all feel the same way. Thank you! Linda

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An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey! Empty Re: An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey!

Post by Nomadness Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:20 pm

He is just as sick as his client. I can understand innocent until proven guilty but how can a human being stand behind a killer who has murdered their own flesh and blood. Even the bible condones the death penalty. There is no excuse for murder.

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An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey! Empty Re: An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey!

Post by dahoov2 Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:15 pm

some great points there. What's bugging me now, is he's wasted government/taxpayer money with a DNA expert who didn't do anything at all? I am peeved that Caycee wasted a LOT of money and people donated all that money for searches, and donated money for Caylee and she was already dead! Then now, we're wasting time on foolishness and throwing spaghetti at a wall to see if it sticks. They have to bring in people now to testify if the brother is the father? WASTE of money; the court should force her to divulge who the father is and they could do a DNA test on him to verify! Good grief!

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An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey! Empty Re: An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey!

Post by dahoov2 Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:16 pm

PS they should put in the video of Caycee being arrested wearing that "Have you seen me?" shirt! Because at that time, Caycee knew Caylee was dead.... and she is not crying or anything. Why the prosecution didn't use that either is beyond me.

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An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey! Empty My opinion

Post by jeansgrden Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:17 pm

It seems to me that Casey killed Caylee out of spite to her Mother. Casey seem to be really mad whenever anyone talked about Caylee and not her. She was mad at her parents because they paid more attention to Caylee. The truth be known all of Casey's friends probably paid more attention to Caylee to, that is the only reason she was killed. Yes I truly believe casey killed her. jail

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An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey! Empty Re: An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey!

Post by Nikki Lee Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:15 pm

I am not saying she is innocent, so please do not misinterpret my message: We have a legal system in place for a reason, Like it or not, it was put in place to protect the innocent and the guilty of any crime. We the people are all protected, and defending a person who might have committed a crime the Defense attorneys have to defend the accused to the best of their ability, as it is their duty. Can you imagine if we all found out someone else killed little caylee! Really, imagine if someone came forward today and confessed to the murder of caylee! Everyone has Speculated that Cassie is guilty of the murder, however- there is no proof of this. Unfortunately there is no proof that she or anyone else did it. There is only proof that she is not a caring mother upon the absence of Caylee. What if…. We convicted her and she was innocent? What if proof came out that someone else did this crime? And the mom had no idea? She is a disconnected self-absorbed person, this is evident, but again, this only proves she is not a caring mother. Like it or not, if we all wish to protect our innocence from being wrongfully convicted of any crime without proof, we need to respect and accept the law and the protection it provides. Maybe there would be proof if Kronk’s findings would have been listened to initially months before, and DNA or something else could have linked the murder to someone? But that’s not how it unfolded. Or maybe if the prosecution would have charged her with neglect, or abandonment, or something that could have been proven by not filing a missing persons charge with the police. They should have charged her with something that could stick, knowing there was no DNA or fingerprints, or other proof other than speculation or stories that were conjured up by the imagination of each person trying to put the pieces together. The jury did their job – there was no proof she killed Caylee, there was no proof SHE put Caylee in the trunk, There was no Proof she tossed her in the swamp, there was no proof she put duct tape on her, or used chloroform. The only proof they offered was her partying and lying to the police. We all can only hope the Killer of Caylee gets found and justice prevails. Like in the OJ case, there are other avenues to take; It would not be double jeopardy if she was brought up on other charges such as neglect or abandonment and emotional damages, things that can be proven.

Nikki Lee
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An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey! Empty Re: An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey!

Post by dahoov2 Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:32 am

To me, there was plenty of EVIDENCE (FACTS) that put her to the crime. There is not only no good reason to have duct tape on the FACE (and it was curved under the chin line and matted with hair), but there is no good reason for any hair, no matter how many, to be in a TRUNK of a car! She was the ONLY one that has access to the car. The trash is not reasonable to be in a trunk. It was obvious it was there to try to cover up smell. There was no good reason for backing into the garage... there was no good reason to borrow a shovel and not use it. There was no good reason to look up "Neck breaking", "How to Make Chloroform", "How to make weapons out of household items" etc. There was no good reason for the baby not to be in PJs or a swimsuit if she drowned in the pool. There was no good reason for the smell of death to be OPPOSITE the door to the house/pool ladder. There was no excuse for chloroform levels to be high even in one small spot. There was no good LOGICAL reason for at least 7 different people to lie about the smell of death in the car. There was no good REASONABLE answer to if the baby drowned, why not call 911. If the baby drowned and had been in the pool more than a few minutes, that's BLATANT child neglect at the VERY least. She knew whatever it was that had happened, it was HER fault and she'd have no way to get out of it. She knew her world of lies would then be found out! She was the only one with access to the car. She was the only one left who could've (according to all statements) have searched the internet unless someone broke in. So don't tell me that's likely! That is NOT reasonable. Hair, dogs, witness testimony, videos, tapes, lab tests for the chloroform and a world wide ME ruling it a HOMICIDE is enough. YOU DID NOT HAVE TO KNOW HOW she died; only that she did. All you needed to know as a juror was 1) the baby is dead 2) the person with her last was responsible for her 3) that person lied to police and continues to lie by not telling the truth today. Therefore, that's REASONABLE to conclude by preponderance of the evidence that she did it and is at the very minimum, guilty of manslaughter/aggravated child abuse.

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An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey! Empty Re: An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey!

Post by dahoov2 Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:43 am

PS if that law enforcement officer would've believed Mr Kronk and they'd found that baby before it was 100% skeletal, then if they found SKIN on that duct tape, do you all think THAT would've been enough? The reason they did not find DNA/Fingerprints and other evidence was the elements took their tole. I remember testimony of the pool thing...the question was asked of a witness that is was possible the baby drowned in the pool and the prosecutors asked about calling 9-1-1 (forget this fully q/a now as it seems to have been BURIED and not used much when people rehash) but I remember Mr Baez under cross what if the baby had been there a long time and was obviously dead as to not being able to be revived...to me that was telling. I think it could have been an accident (thought the duct tape and searches bother me) and could convict on a lesser charge, but the fact that the child was there for potentially and hour or more is disturbing. This is GROSS negligence! I saw on another station just this week a beach reality type show were someone was getting CPR by lifeguards. Here's the thing; you can drown and be revived quite a while later! People have been brought back after many minutes. You won't know unless you called 9-1-1 how long the baby was there!!!! I did not hear testimony Casey has a CPR certificate! As a matter of fact she never even had Lamaze classes right? She didn't tell her family till she was about to pop.. Therefore, there is no good reason in the world for her NOT to call 911 or scream for help or call a friend for help or her NURSE mother!

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An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey! Empty Re: An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey!

Post by Nikki Lee Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:55 am

Like I said in the very beginning of my post, I am not saying she is innocent, on the contrary I think she is not innocent. However, you must put yourself in the jurors shoes, they were only privy to what was allowed for them to view and know and hear. and without DNA, fingerprints and proof that it was Casey that killed her and put her in the trunk, they could not convict her on those specific charges.... I think the prosecution should have added a few other charged such as neglect or abandonment, yes they are also misdemeanor charges, but it would have added to her time as I think she would have been found guilty on those provable charges.. Im not an attorney, so I am not sure of all the other charges that could have been added, but I am sure they could have as a safety net of charges. Maybe even attempted Murder??? I do not really know, but I do know OJ was tried in another court for emotional damages and such and lost, even though he too was acquitted.. I would like to see justice for Caylee, It is wrong she was murdered and the murder is not paying for it. But also Understanding the justice system, the jurors made a decision based on the evidence that could ONLY point to Casey. And if there are other possible scenarios that could explain some of the things, they could not legally convict her.

Nikki Lee
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An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey! Empty Re: An article I wrote to vent to Jose Baez and Casey!

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