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Casey Anthony trial: Defense points out what analysts didn't find - OS

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Casey Anthony trial: Defense points out what analysts didn't find - OS Empty Casey Anthony trial: Defense points out what analysts didn't find - OS

Post by mom_in_il Thu Jun 23, 2011 1:57 am

Casey Anthony trial: Defense points out what analysts didn't find
Legal experts say Casey Anthony's defense team is trying to argue a lack of evidence.

By Anthony Colarossi and Amy Pavuk, Orlando Sentinel

5:49 p.m. EDT, June 22, 2011


Casey Anthony's defense team continued to call witnesses Wednesday who testified about what they didn't find when they evaluated evidence as part of the investigation into her toddler's death.

The rounds of questioning have left many spectators wondering when attorney Jose Baez is going to make good on his opening statement and start explaining the defense theory that 2-year-old Caylee Marie wasn't murdered by her mother, but instead drowned in the family pool.

It seems now that Anthony's team is sticking with the basics of criminal defense: argue a lack of evidence.

More: http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-casey-anthony-trial-day-25-20110622,0,2409887.story

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