Dishonoring the Memory of Caylee Anthony - SA
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Dishonoring the Memory of Caylee Anthony - SA
Friday, June 24, 2011
Dishonoring the Memory of Caylee Anthony
Cindy Anthony knew her daughter was a sociopath and said so. She also knew that her daughter had a baby; a baby which she appeared to have dominated right from birth.
Yet, for 2 years, Cindy could care less about who Caylee's father was, where Caylee was going, who was taking care of Caylee, or if Caylee had all the things she needed.
In fact, Casey told her mother, "I am dropping off Caylee at the nanny's while I work..." on a daily basis.
Sometimes, she would say to Cindy, "Caylee's staying overnight at Zanny's" of which Cindy never questioned the wisdom of such a young child staying over night at a stranger's.
Did she have her blankie? Would she be comfortable? Toddlers get scared quickly. Is she in good hands?
Cindy never asked any of these questions.
Cindy didn't love Caylee.
Dishonoring the Memory of Caylee Anthony
Cindy Anthony knew her daughter was a sociopath and said so. She also knew that her daughter had a baby; a baby which she appeared to have dominated right from birth.
Yet, for 2 years, Cindy could care less about who Caylee's father was, where Caylee was going, who was taking care of Caylee, or if Caylee had all the things she needed.
In fact, Casey told her mother, "I am dropping off Caylee at the nanny's while I work..." on a daily basis.
Sometimes, she would say to Cindy, "Caylee's staying overnight at Zanny's" of which Cindy never questioned the wisdom of such a young child staying over night at a stranger's.
Did she have her blankie? Would she be comfortable? Toddlers get scared quickly. Is she in good hands?
Cindy never asked any of these questions.
Cindy didn't love Caylee.
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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