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The Sunday Afternoon Murder Club - Casey Anthony And Much More (Parts 1 & 2) - BNN

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The Sunday Afternoon Murder Club - Casey Anthony And Much More (Parts 1 & 2) - BNN Empty The Sunday Afternoon Murder Club - Casey Anthony And Much More (Parts 1 & 2) - BNN

Post by mom_in_il Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:49 pm

The Sunday Afternoon Murder Club - Casey Anthony And Much More (Part 1)
Posted on July 18th, 2011 by Simon Barrett i


I rather like the classic remark made by Groucho Marx “I would not join a club that would have me”. I share his sentiment. However the Sunday Afternoon Murder Club is a little different. It is a group of friends that wish to explore the world of Murder.

We are opinionated, brutal, but seek one common goal, justice. A guest on this program needs balls of steel.

This week the club discussed the Casey Anthony case, the very disturbing story behind the death of 10 year old Zahra Baker, and the execution of a young gay man with mental issues Lawrence King.

Three very different cases, yet they have a common theme. A young life lost, a young life gone, a young life taken away.

More: http://www.bloggernews.net/126847


The Sunday Afternoon Murder Club - Casey Anthony And Much More (part 2)
Posted on July 18th, 2011 by Simon Barrett


If you missed the first part of this article you can find it here.

The question that I ask myself is what will Casey Anthony do now? She has no skills, and so getting a real job in this grim economic climate seems at best a fantasy.

Obviously she will need to cash in on her status. But this is also a tricky minefield to negotiate. The two words Fame and Infamy have very different meanings. In the eyes of big media her window of opportunity is a short one. In a few weeks the window will start to close, her story becomes worth less and less.

That 7 figure number drops to a 5 figure number, and then to almost zero.

For Casey Anthony to command a 7 figure number, she will have to come up with ‘the goods’. Mannie Barling pointed out that the way these things work is a two stage process. A pre-interview where the material is evaluated by the buyer, only if it passes scrutiny does it then move into a real interview.

More: http://www.bloggernews.net/126848
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