Chlorophyll, Chloroform, Truth, Lies & Shock In The Caylee Anthony Murder Case, The Casey Anthony Murder Trial - niecey
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Chlorophyll, Chloroform, Truth, Lies & Shock In The Caylee Anthony Murder Case, The Casey Anthony Murder Trial - niecey
Chlorophyll, Chloroform, Truth, Lies & Shock In The Caylee Anthony Murder Case, The Casey Anthony Murder Trial
Posted on June 23, 2011 by niecey456
Okay, forget me counting which day this is in trial. I’m just way too befuddled to do it at this point. Yes, I know what day it is, but I don’t think Cindy Anthony does. I think her memory boosting medication has boosted her completely into the Twilight Zone. I can still hear the music playing in my head this long after the day’s events. I know that Cindy is trying to save her daughter’s life. I get that. She could easily have stuck to the Truth and made a gut wrenching victim’s impact statement, letting the jury know that she is the victim’s grandmother, but also the mother of the accused and beg them to please spare her daughter’s life. I really think that would be effective. Cindy never does what anyone expects her to do though. In my honest opinion I believe that Cindy should plan her work and work her plan and get some logical, level-headed input on it. In other words if she is grey on something, should she make emphasis on it, or should she just say I don’t know. I think Cindy dumbfounded everyone with the chlorophyll/chloroform nonsense. I looked it up. You knew I couldn’t let that go. Right?
The results are as follows: Algae and Seaweed only have chloroform in them according to Wikipedia, which is not a real reliable source. All of the sites I looked at on seaweed (and there are many reputable sites that are very informative), say that they are very high in chlorophyll. No mention of chloroform. I used that wonderful tool, the search engine and searched “do any plants contain chloroform”, and the results only had one, and that was the Wikipedia article, all of the rest gave information on chloroform or since I had “plants” as one of the keywords, I had many on chlorophyll. Common sense dictates to me that since Wikipedia is the only one saying that I would say it is likely not true. Cindy likely, recently Googled that, as I’m not buying the memory enhancing sedatives, anti-depressants, whatever.
Posted on June 23, 2011 by niecey456
Okay, forget me counting which day this is in trial. I’m just way too befuddled to do it at this point. Yes, I know what day it is, but I don’t think Cindy Anthony does. I think her memory boosting medication has boosted her completely into the Twilight Zone. I can still hear the music playing in my head this long after the day’s events. I know that Cindy is trying to save her daughter’s life. I get that. She could easily have stuck to the Truth and made a gut wrenching victim’s impact statement, letting the jury know that she is the victim’s grandmother, but also the mother of the accused and beg them to please spare her daughter’s life. I really think that would be effective. Cindy never does what anyone expects her to do though. In my honest opinion I believe that Cindy should plan her work and work her plan and get some logical, level-headed input on it. In other words if she is grey on something, should she make emphasis on it, or should she just say I don’t know. I think Cindy dumbfounded everyone with the chlorophyll/chloroform nonsense. I looked it up. You knew I couldn’t let that go. Right?
The results are as follows: Algae and Seaweed only have chloroform in them according to Wikipedia, which is not a real reliable source. All of the sites I looked at on seaweed (and there are many reputable sites that are very informative), say that they are very high in chlorophyll. No mention of chloroform. I used that wonderful tool, the search engine and searched “do any plants contain chloroform”, and the results only had one, and that was the Wikipedia article, all of the rest gave information on chloroform or since I had “plants” as one of the keywords, I had many on chlorophyll. Common sense dictates to me that since Wikipedia is the only one saying that I would say it is likely not true. Cindy likely, recently Googled that, as I’m not buying the memory enhancing sedatives, anti-depressants, whatever.
mom_in_il- Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
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