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Casey Is Free………..Does She Now Think She’s A Star? - Niecey

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Casey Is Free………..Does She Now Think She’s A Star? - Niecey Empty Casey Is Free………..Does She Now Think She’s A Star? - Niecey

Post by mom_in_il Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:06 pm

Casey Is Free………..Does She Now Think She’s A Star?
Posted on July 22, 2011 by niecey456


Well, Miss Casey Anthony is a free woman thanks to a Florida jury that paid absolutely no attention to the evidence, but instead focused on her less than honest and not so attractive, gold digging defense team that really did not do a very good job. The jury was wooed by their lies and drama and false accusations, took notes only when the defense team was up and put the pens and notebooks down before and after when the prosecution put on a very good case with lots of damning evidence. Make no mistake, they had at least enough to convict that girl of 2nd degree murder, manslaughter and child abuse at the very least. Instead the 2 jurors that voted for capital murder, which were likely of the 6 that voted for manslaughter, lost their backbone to the pig-headed 6 that were determined to set a woman free that brutally murdered her child. Set her free they did. I hope that when she victimizes others in the future they can live with that. I hope they can sleep at night when she profits from her dirty deed. I hope that they see Caylee’s face and can still feel they did the right thing. It’s done. Do they realize all of the stealing she was doing before she murdered her daughter? Do they realize that if you really look at those computer searches of Casey’s and put that together with her stories of being given the house, that she was planning to off her parents too? Do they realize what a psychopath she really is?. . . .

More: http://niecey456.wordpress.com/2011/07/22/casey-is-free-does-she-now-think-shes-a-star/
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