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I’m gonna rattle his rusty chains - mainstreamfair

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I’m gonna rattle his rusty chains - mainstreamfair Empty I’m gonna rattle his rusty chains - mainstreamfair

Post by mom_in_il Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:45 pm

I’m gonna rattle his rusty chains
Posted on August 20, 2011 by mainstreamfair



Cheney Mason has a way with words. We all remember when Mr Mason, Esquire, made his debut before Judge Strickland in this case. He looked at the judge and announced with a cocky attitude, “you trust me don’t you?” You could see that Stan Strickland looked embarassed but he answered with grace and dignity, “Yes, I trust you.” It was shortly after that episode that Cheney Mason turned to Jeff Ashton, ( who had chuckled over something trivial) and said, “we don’t pay attention to the ignorant.” Not verbatim but you can see what an arrogant SOB he was/is. I wont go into how he lets his finger do the talking.

In the emergency petition, here is an example. I will put in bold how he likes to play the word games while trying to deceive the reader.

The Honorable Stan Strickland was the original judge presiding over two cases involving the Defendant. In the first case, the Defendant pled ( he omitted the word, ‘guilty’ here ) to several (should be ‘all’ ) counts and was sentenced by Judge Strickland to time served (412 days) and one year of probation. Judge Strickland’s oral pronouncement was that probation should begin after the Defendant’s release from incarceration. Afterwards, when the Court reduced his sentence to writing, same reflected that probation would commence immediately.

More: http://mainstreamfair.wordpress.com/2011/08/20/im-gonna-rattle-his-rusty-chains/
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