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Zannie the Nanny theory

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Zannie the Nanny theory Empty Zannie the Nanny theory

Post by michellejhahn Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:34 am

We were watching the Dr. Phil interview with the parents. GA had mentioned something about Zanex. It clicked "She's with Zannie the Nanny" & "Zanny took her". So possibly Casey used Zanex to sedate Caylee when she needed a "babysitter" so she could go out & party or whatever. "Zanny the Nanny". So at some point too much Zanex could of been used and Caylee became unresponsive or passed. "Zanny took her". What do you think?

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Zannie the Nanny theory Empty Re: Zannie the Nanny theory

Post by babyjustice Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:07 pm

Hmmm that's an interesting theory. It certainly sounds like Casey.

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