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my interview with the Honorable Stan Strickland - andrea

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my interview with the Honorable Stan Strickland - andrea Empty my interview with the Honorable Stan Strickland - andrea

Post by mom_in_il Thu Jan 05, 2012 3:17 pm

my interview with the Honorable Stan Strickland
by Andrea O'Connell


Just as the opening sequence of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony resonates with recognition in the ears of people who know it – Judge Stan Strickland’s words to Casey Anthony resonate to those of us who remember them. The Judge famously said,

…….the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers.

Of course, the irony now is the only charges with long-term sticking power against Casey Anthony were related to her untruthfulness.

In a trial that infuriated Florida while garnering national attention, then-defendant Casey Anthony was cleared of all serious charges against her. Some pundits have argued that lies were the cornerstone of the Anthony defense; lies and trickery parading as so-called reasonable doubt. And still, though the trial ended in July of 2011, stories related to it linger with the same Beethoven’s 5th significance – though with a darker tone to the heavy da-da-da-duuuuuumb!

Thankful to no longer be part of that reverberating bass, is the well-liked and popular Judge Stan Strickland, who presided over the Anthony case from its inception in 2008, until he recused himself (from the case), in April of 2010. Strickland, who retired from the bench on December 31, 2011, was the predecessor of Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jr., who continued on with the Casey Anthony trial.

I had an opportunity to communicate with Judge Strickland, and when I asked if I could interview him, to my delight, he agreed!

What follows are the questions I posed to him along with his answers.

More: http://andreadreamin.com/2012/01/04/my-interview-with-the-honorable-stan-strickland/
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