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Closed door meeting in Case Against Casey - CFNews 13

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Closed door meeting in Case Against Casey - CFNews 13 Empty Closed door meeting in Case Against Casey - CFNews 13

Post by mom_in_il Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:20 am

Closed door meeting in Case Against Casey
Last Updated: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 2:48 PM


ORLANDO -- Behind closed doors today in the Case against Casey.

Both of Casey Anthony’s criminal and civil lawyers had a brief meeting with Judge Lisa Munyon Tuesday morning.

Attorney Cheney Mason was there with Lisabeth Fryer and attorney Charles Greene.

The judge asked for the meeting to have the lawyers explain more about why Casey should be allowed to take the 5th Amendment and not answer questions in the civil case being brought by Texas EquuSearch.

"We're entitled to meet with the judge and explain confidentially why the question could lead to incriminating evidence because if we explained it publically, we could wave the very privilege were trying to protect," said attorney Charles Greene.

More: http://www.cfnews13.com/article/news/2012/january/370722/Zenaidas-attorneys-try-again-to-get-judge-to-make-Casey-Anthony-talk
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