Casey Anthony: Zenaida Gonzalez now and then - Hal
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Casey Anthony: Zenaida Gonzalez now and then - Hal
Casey Anthony: Zenaida Gonzalez now and then
posted by halboedeker on March, 13 2012 10:20 AM
![Casey Anthony: Zenaida Gonzalez now and then - Hal Zfg_th10](
Zenaida Gonzalez in 2009. Photo credit: Red Huber/Orlando Sentinel
![Casey Anthony: Zenaida Gonzalez now and then - Hal Zfg_no10](
Zenaida Gonzalez these days. Photo courtesy of Matt Morgan
A reader asked for it, and here it is:
Compare the look of Zenaida Gonzalez today and Zenaida Gonzalez years ago.
Gonzalez is suing Casey Anthony for defamation. A hearing in the case Monday set off biting back-and-forth between the two sides, especially about tracking down Anthony to serve her a subpoena.
Gonzalez attorney John Dill told WESH-Channel 2’s Bob Kealing: “We’ll track her down. Again, she’s not in Nevada, Bob. We’re going to find her if we need to, and we will.”
Anthony is serving a year’s probation for check fraud somewhere in Florida.
Cheney Mason, who defended Anthony at her murder trial, bashed the Morgan & Morgan firm, which represents Gonzalez. “I don’t think they’re good enough. So they can spend all the For the People money they want to,” Mason told reporters. “And do all the charades they want to. If they find her, it will be a short-lived knowledge ’cause she’ll be gone.”
Of course, there’s the whole matter of whether the defamation suit could be tossed. Attorney Richard Hornsby, who offers legal analysis for WESH, said it’s possible there won’t be a case. “Basically what Zenaida Gonzalez’s attorneys are asking the judge to do is to stack a bunch of inferences and say … each one of these inferences, once you tie [them] together, equals a conclusion. That’s not the way the law works,” Hornsby said.
There’s the whole matter of whether Anthony would attend the civil trial. Attorney Bill Sheaffer, an analyst for WFTV-Channel 9, was definite on that point: “If she’s served and that subpoena is a valid service of process, then she is required to be at this trial.”
posted by halboedeker on March, 13 2012 10:20 AM
![Casey Anthony: Zenaida Gonzalez now and then - Hal Zfg_th10](
Zenaida Gonzalez in 2009. Photo credit: Red Huber/Orlando Sentinel
![Casey Anthony: Zenaida Gonzalez now and then - Hal Zfg_no10](
Zenaida Gonzalez these days. Photo courtesy of Matt Morgan
A reader asked for it, and here it is:
Compare the look of Zenaida Gonzalez today and Zenaida Gonzalez years ago.
Gonzalez is suing Casey Anthony for defamation. A hearing in the case Monday set off biting back-and-forth between the two sides, especially about tracking down Anthony to serve her a subpoena.
Gonzalez attorney John Dill told WESH-Channel 2’s Bob Kealing: “We’ll track her down. Again, she’s not in Nevada, Bob. We’re going to find her if we need to, and we will.”
Anthony is serving a year’s probation for check fraud somewhere in Florida.
Cheney Mason, who defended Anthony at her murder trial, bashed the Morgan & Morgan firm, which represents Gonzalez. “I don’t think they’re good enough. So they can spend all the For the People money they want to,” Mason told reporters. “And do all the charades they want to. If they find her, it will be a short-lived knowledge ’cause she’ll be gone.”
Of course, there’s the whole matter of whether the defamation suit could be tossed. Attorney Richard Hornsby, who offers legal analysis for WESH, said it’s possible there won’t be a case. “Basically what Zenaida Gonzalez’s attorneys are asking the judge to do is to stack a bunch of inferences and say … each one of these inferences, once you tie [them] together, equals a conclusion. That’s not the way the law works,” Hornsby said.
There’s the whole matter of whether Anthony would attend the civil trial. Attorney Bill Sheaffer, an analyst for WFTV-Channel 9, was definite on that point: “If she’s served and that subpoena is a valid service of process, then she is required to be at this trial.”
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