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Casey Anthony is most hated person in America: poll - NY Post

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Casey Anthony is most hated person in America: poll - NY Post Empty Casey Anthony is most hated person in America: poll - NY Post

Post by mom_in_il Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:40 pm

Casey Anthony is most hated person in America: poll

Posted: 9:06 AM, June 2, 2012
Last Updated: 9:11 AM, June 2, 2012

The people have spoken -- and they hate Casey Anthony most of all.

Casey Anthony is most hated person in America: poll - NY Post 02n_ha10

After The Post put philandering ex-Sen. John edwards atop a list of America's 10 most-hated people, an online poll of over 9,000 Post readers yesterday gave that dubious honor to Anthony, the hard-partying Florida mom who beat the rap on charges of murdering toddler-daugher Caylee.

Celebrity Kim Kardashian narrowly took the readers' runner-up spot, while Edwards placed sixth.

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