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Hearing next month on Casey Anthony deposition questions - OS

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Hearing next month on Casey Anthony deposition questions - OS Empty Hearing next month on Casey Anthony deposition questions - OS

Post by mom_in_il Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:20 pm

Hearing next month on Casey Anthony deposition questions
February 17, 2014|By Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel

A bankruptcy judge will hear arguments next month on whether Casey Anthony should be compelled to answer the questions of attorneys for a woman suing her for defamation.

The hearing, set for March 4, follows a stalled Jan. 23 attempt by attorneys for Zenaida Gonzalez to depose Anthony at the office of Cheney Mason, one of her criminal defense attorneys.

In a recent motion, Gonzalez's lawyers said Anthony refused to answer "numerous" questions during the deposition, with Mason repeatedly asserting her Fifth Amendment rights.

Gonzalez's lawyers argue that's not appropriate, because Anthony's prosecution in the death of her daughter is over.

Gonzalez filed a complaint last year against Anthony's bankruptcy. She argues that Anthony was "willful and malicious" in damaging her reputation, so her defamation suit should survive.

Gonzalez sued in 2008 after Anthony claimed that a similarly-named nanny had kidnapped 2-year-old Caylee. Authorities ultimately determined the nanny didn't exist and the girl was dead.

Anthony was acquitted of murder in Caylee's death after a high-profile trial in 2011.

Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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Hearing next month on Casey Anthony deposition questions - OS Empty Re: Hearing next month on Casey Anthony deposition questions - OS

Post by inmyfloridaopinion Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:44 pm

mom_in_il wrote:Hearing next month on Casey Anthony deposition questions
February 17, 2014|By Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel

A bankruptcy judge will hear arguments next month on whether Casey Anthony should be compelled to answer the questions of attorneys for a woman suing her for defamation.

The hearing, set for March 4, follows a stalled Jan. 23 attempt by attorneys for Zenaida Gonzalez to depose Anthony at the office of Cheney Mason, one of her criminal defense attorneys.

In a recent motion, Gonzalez's lawyers said Anthony refused to answer "numerous" questions during the deposition, with Mason repeatedly asserting her Fifth Amendment rights.

Gonzalez's lawyers argue that's not appropriate, because Anthony's prosecution in the death of her daughter is over.

Gonzalez filed a complaint last year against Anthony's bankruptcy. She argues that Anthony was "willful and malicious" in damaging her reputation, so her defamation suit should survive.

Gonzalez sued in 2008 after Anthony claimed that a similarly-named nanny had kidnapped 2-year-old Caylee. Authorities ultimately determined the nanny didn't exist and the girl was dead.

Anthony was acquitted of murder in Caylee's death after a high-profile trial in 2011.

Is it just me that wonders why they are even trying anymore? Teflon Casey will be free as a bird from any... anything. Maybe I'm just jaded, but since when has she been held accountable for anything... ever?  pull hair 
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : Family (and Zoo) Keeper

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