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ZAEYANA DRIGGS-THREATS - 2 yo (8/2014)/ Convicted: Father; Deshawn Threats - Grand Rapids MI

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ZAEYANA DRIGGS-THREATS - 2 yo (8/2014)/ Convicted: Father; Deshawn Threats - Grand Rapids MI Empty ZAEYANA DRIGGS-THREATS - 2 yo (8/2014)/ Convicted: Father; Deshawn Threats - Grand Rapids MI

Post by mom_in_il Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:18 pm

Grand Rapids father convicted of killing 2-year-old daughter

By John Tunison | jtunison@mlive.com
on June 13, 2014 at 3:43 PM
updated June 13, 2014 at 4:12 PM

GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- A Grand Rapids father who prosecutors say caused a fatal injury to his 2-year-old daughter has been convicted of first-degree murder.

A jury deliberated more than four hours before returning the verdict against Deshawn Threats, 22.

Sobbing and outcries could be heard from both sides of the courtroom when the verdict was read.

Police said Threats killed Zaeyana Driggs-Threats by causing a several abdomen injury that ruptured her stomach, essentially causing it to explode. She also had a severed pancreas and bruises all over her body.

Zaeyana's mother, Darci Driggs, gave a huge sigh when the verdict was read. She hugged relatives and sobbed.

"Justice has finally been served," she said. "Everybody now knows that he did it."

Threats was watching Zaeyana the night before she was found dead Aug. 14. Darci Driggs was at work.

Threats will be sentenced July 1.

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