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SAMANTHA NETHERLAND (and mother) - 16 yo (4/2014) - Bardstown KY

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SAMANTHA NETHERLAND (and mother) - 16 yo (4/2014) - Bardstown KY Empty SAMANTHA NETHERLAND (and mother) - 16 yo (4/2014) - Bardstown KY

Post by mom_in_il Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:42 am

Deaths of teacher, daughter in Nelson County ruled homicides

UPDATED 9:21 AM EDT Apr 24, 2014
By Tim Elliot

BARDSTOWN, Ky. —The state medical examiner's office said a mother and daughter found dead in a Nelson County home were slain.

No arrests have been made and people are worried that a killer could be on the loose.

Scene photos | Scene aerials

The crime scene is now clear, but what's unclear is what happened inside the home Tuesday. It's mystery that has the small community talking and on high alert.

"I don't know what's going on. It's got everyone freaked out," said resident Joey Taylor.

Taylor is a longtime Nelson County resident. He said the tight-knit community is on edge as they wait to hear what happened inside the home on Springfield Road.

"Who knows? But it's got me thinking. I mean, I'm locking my doors now all the time, it's kind of scary," said Taylor.

Kathy Netherland, 48, and her daughter, 16-year-old Samantha Netherland, were found dead inside their home Tuesday.

Autopsies confirmed the deaths were homicides and the two suffered some sort of trauma, but police aren't releasing how they died.

"A little bit later a cop knocked on my door asking me if I heard any gunshots last night or this morning," said Nelson County resident Zachary Fitz.

Authorities are looking for leads, going door to door asking residents if they heard anything suspicious. They're also checking the surveillance cameras that belong to businesses located along Springfield Road.

"Immediately we were just totally shocked and blown away," said Bardstown City Schools Superintendent Brent Holsclaw.

Kathy Netherland was a special education teacher at Bardstown Elementary School, and Samantha Netherland was a sophomore at Bardstown High School.

The school district, just like everyone else, wants answers.

"What makes this so difficult at this point is, obviously, in these types of situations, when people grieve they want to ask why. They want to ask how. How could this happen?" said Holsclaw.

"You know, I passed that house that morning to go to work and I never once thought that anything could happen, especially in a small town," said Nelson County resident Rebekah Price.

Price doesn't live far from the scene. She said the crime has really hit close to home.

"A long time ago, we never had to lock our doors. (We left) windows open, doors open, no problem, but now we have to lock our doors. I mean, you never know what's going to happen," said Price.

As authorities search for a killer, residents are left wondering why this happened and who's responsible.

"They're willing to kill two people right up here, they might be willing to do anything," said Taylor.

Visitation for Kathy and Samantha Netherland is scheduled Sunday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Monday from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at Parkway Baptist Church in Bardstown. The funeral will follow at 11 a.m. Monday.


Last edited by mom_in_il on Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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SAMANTHA NETHERLAND (and mother) - 16 yo (4/2014) - Bardstown KY Empty Re: SAMANTHA NETHERLAND (and mother) - 16 yo (4/2014) - Bardstown KY

Post by mom_in_il Fri Jul 25, 2014 1:43 am

Family of slain Nelson Co. mother, daughter makes emotional plea

by C.J. Daniels, Chelsea Rabideau, WHAS11.com
Posted on July 23, 2014 at 3:00 PM
Updated yesterday at 11:25 PM

BARDSTOWN, Ky. (WHAS11) – The family of Kathy and Samantha Netherland are asking for the public’s help in finding those responsible for their murders.

In a press conference held Wednesday afternoon, Netherland’s sister Stacey Hibbard spoke emotionally about the days leading up to their death.

“I begged God to make it untrue,” she said. “I have done nothing harder in my life than tell Holly that her mother and sister were dead.”
Hibbard described Samantha’s happiness about going to prom and having the best school year of her life.

Instead, Hibbard said the family was preparing for Kathy and Samantha’s funeral. Since Samantha never got to wear the dress she was supposed to wear to prom, Hibbard said they made the decision to allow her to be buried her in it.

It’s been three months since the tragedy in the tight-knit Botland community outside of Bardstown. Hibbard says the family is pushing through.

“The pain has settled in, not quite as suffocating as in the beginning. We love them and we miss them every day,” Hibbard said.

Police are still searching for a black Chevy Impala that was seen leaving the area at the time of their deaths.

Kentucky State Police say they will continue to investigate every small tip until the case can be brought to closure.

The family of Kathy and Samantha Netherland are offering a $2,500 reward to anyone who can offer information that can lead to an arrest.

If you have any information, call the Kentucky State Police post in Elizabethtown at 270-766-5078.

For Hibbard's full statement click here and here for the second page.

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