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Taxpayers May Pay For Meter Reader's Lawyer ! ! UPDATE ! !

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Taxpayers May Pay For Meter Reader's Lawyer ! ! UPDATE ! ! Empty Taxpayers May Pay For Meter Reader's Lawyer ! ! UPDATE ! !

Post by Teresa Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:17 am

Taxpayers May Pay For Meter Reader's Lawyer

Posted: 5:40 pm EDT April 27, 2009Updated: 7:03 pm EDT April 27, 2009ORANGE COUNTY, Fla -- Eyewitness News has learned that Orange County taxpayers are likely to pay more money for an attorney to represent meter reader Roy Kronk.

Kronk called 911 last year after he found a suspicious trash bag near Casey Anthony's East Orange County home. It was later discovered that the trash bag contained Caylee Anthony's remains.

VIDEO REPORT: Meter Reader's Legal Fees

Orange County commissioners are about to spend more tax money to pay for Kronk's lawyer. Last December, Orange County agreed to pay $10,000 for an attorney to help Roy Kronk deal with the media.

Officials felt, after all, that he broke a national case and discovered Caylee's remains while on the job.

"When you get ensnared in a legal problem while on you the job I think we have a moral obligation to pay his [bills]," said Orange County Commissioner Bill Segal.

Kronk is asking the county to pay another $2,500 to get ready for the legal case.

As a meter reader, Kronk makes $11 an hour and the attorney makes $225 an hour. It would take Kronk 7 months to be able to pay for his $12,000 legal bill, so far.

Legal analyst Bill Sheaffer says it's highly unusual for the county to pay an attorney's legal fees especially since Kronk is only a witness.

"When you're subpoenaed for a deposition, the State Attorney is present and would interpose any objections if appropriate, so it would be superfluous to have an attorney there," said Sheaffer.

When Kronk interviewed with National Media in January, it was reported he collected licensing fees as well as reward money.

Commissioner Linda Stewart wants to meet in the middle and pay half of Kronk's bills.

"Should all Orange County taxpayers pay all his legal bills or should we share?" stated Stewart.


Casey Anthony and her legal team are due back in court next week. On May 5, Casey's lawyer is scheduled to question a jail guard who was with Casey the day she learned her daughter's remains had been found.

There is a videotape of that moment, but it hasn't been released.

Casey will go to court with her attorney, on May 28. They're asking the court to make sure the public never sees the tape.


Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

Job/hobbies : All Post are my own opinion....

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Taxpayers May Pay For Meter Reader's Lawyer ! ! UPDATE ! ! Empty Re: Taxpayers May Pay For Meter Reader's Lawyer ! ! UPDATE ! !

Post by mom_in_il Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:49 pm

Casey Anthony: WFTV looks at county's paying meter reader's legal bills

posted by halboedeker on Apr 27, 2009 5:52:16 PM

Who picks up county meter reader Roy Kronk's legal bills?

WFTV-Channel 9's Mary Nguyen explored the issue this evening. Kronk discovered Caylee Anthony's remains in December while he was on the job. Casey Anthony is charged with the first-degree murder of Caylee, her daughter.

Kronk makes $11 an hour, and the attorney makes $225 an hour, Nguyen explained.

In December, the county had approved $10,000 for an attorney to help Kronk deal with the media. Kronk is seeking an additional $2,500 to prepare for the criminal case. The Orange County Commission is scheduled to take up the issue tomorrow.

WFTV legal analyst Bill Sheaffer says it's unusual for a county to pay legal bills for someone who is just a witness. Rather, the State Attorney's Office would intervene instead of a private attorney, Sheaffer said.

Nguyen noted that Kronk reportedly received licensing fees when talking to the national media (the station showed footage of ABC's "Good Morning America," which paid a fee to Kronk for a photo). He also received a $5,000 reward from attorney Mark NeJame, who had represented Caylee's grandparents.

WFTV interviewed a man in the street about Kronk. That man, Jack Spencer, said, "If he's going to get something out of it, he should have to pay his own attorney's fees."

County Commissioner Linda Stewart suggested to WFTV that the county pick up half of Kronk's bills.

What do you think should happen?

Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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Taxpayers May Pay For Meter Reader's Lawyer ! ! UPDATE ! ! Empty Taxpayers WILL Have To Pay For Kronk's Legal Fees

Post by mom_in_il Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:16 pm

Taxpayers WILL Have To Pay For Kronk's Legal Fees

Posted: 4:43 pm EDT April 28, 2009
Updated: 9:51 am EDT April 29, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Eyewitness News learned Tuesday that taxpayers will have to pay the attorney fees for a key witness in the case against Casey Anthony. Orange County commissioners decided to use taxpayer money to pay Roy Kronk's attorney's fees.

Kronk is the man, who found Caylee Anthony's remains in December while he was working as a county meter reader.

Taxpayers Footing Kronk's Bills
DOCUMENTS: Kronk's Objection | Baez Motion
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The county has 22 attorneys on staff. Kronk has an outside lawyer and the county has already paid $10,000.

It is not known how much more Kronk's attorney will be paid.

Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear
Supreme Commander of the Universe With Cape AND Tights AND Fancy Headgear

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