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Dr. Lillian Glass Message to Body Language Blog Readers

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Dr. Lillian Glass Message to Body Language Blog Readers Empty Dr. Lillian Glass Message to Body Language Blog Readers

Post by Verogal Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:22 am

This is snipped from a very long and interesting post on various topics...sounds like she is/will be very busy.

Now I would like to say some final words about the Casey Anthony case. I have to admit that reporting so intensively on the Casey Anthony trial and analyzing all the players involved took its toll, especially after the verdict was read. I was beyond shocked when I saw justice not served. When I recently read that Judge Perry released the jailhouse videos of Casey upon discovering that Caylee’s body was found and that he did not allow jurors to see this, it confirmed my view that Perry in essence was more concerned about himself in not having to re-try the case. I also believe that the jury liked Jose Baez a lot better than the prosecuting attorneys and that was a large part of why the verdict turned out as it did in my view. I also believe that the jury wanted to go home. It was 4thof July and they wanted out! Analyzing the body language and speech and voice patterns of Cindy and George Anthony on Dr. Phil repulsed me. I adore Dr. Phil. I know him personally and think the world of him and felt that he asked great probing questions which allowed us to see who these Toxic people really are. He gave them enough rope and they hung themselves for good. He was a lot more diplomatic with them than I would have been.

I would have let them have it. But then they probably would have walked off the show and there would not have been an interview. I detest liars and these two liars lied in these interviews based on the tells I observed, just as they lied on the stand. That is unforgivable! Why aren’t these people held accountable? Anyone else who lied on the stand would be in jail. Why aren’t these people in jail. And YES I hold them as responsible for Caylee’s death as I do Casey. They knew who their daughter was, yet chose to enable her.

I am boycotting the Anthony’s along with a lot of other people out there. I don’t care what more they have to say. I hate that the despicable Cindy and George have made millions off off this poor child’s death and have manipulated and used the media to their benefit. They said it all with their body language.

Now people are asking me to weigh in about the baby Lisa case. After the Casey Anthony case, the last thing I want to since do is spend time analyzing a mother and father of a missing baby. But since so many of my precious and loyal readers asked for it, I will share my views about Baby Lisa’s parent’s body.

While I will always discuss the body language of news makers who happen to be in high profile criminal cases, I don’t plan to make it my focus. fact I stopped doing over the top sensational crime oriented shows which appear to be designed for” entertainment”. The “bombshells “ rudeness” “unleashing” and “ugliness” are too manipulative and too disturbing. So, along with the criminal cases, you will be reading a lot about celebs politicians, sports figures and world leaders as they will all be put under the Dr. Lillian Glass Body Language microscope. Good to be back. www.drlillianglass.com
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Tags: Baby Lisa, body language, body language expert, Casey Anthony, communication expert, dr. lillian glass, Dr. Lillian Glass Body Language Blog, Dr. Phil, Jose Baez, Judge Belvin Perry, lillian glass, Lillian Glass PhD, See Soemthing Say Something, terrorism, www.drlillianglass.com

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